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I wake up to the sound of yelling and I frown in confusion.

I sit up and groan at the pain in my back. I climb out of the bed and walk out of the bedroom. The yelling is still going on , but none of the words are registering in my head. I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

I look like shit.

My hair is wild, my eyes have bags under them, My skin is pale, and my lips are chapped. I grunt and sit down on the toilet and begin to do my business.

Once I'm done, I wipe but I notice there's blood on the toilet paper.

"Oh fuck me." I grunt in annoyance.

That's why I look like shit.

I finish whipping and make a makeshift pad until I can get my hands on a Tampon. Maybe, just maybe, Rose has some.

Why would she have tampons? I don't know.

I wash my hands and get to work on myself. I brush my teeth, splash some water on my face, and throw my hair into a messy bun. I lick my lips and walk out of the bathroom.

Surprisingly the yelling is still going on but this time I'm able to understand the words being spewed. They're coming from Rose and what sounds like Edward.

I walk down the stairs causing everyone to look at me. I grow irritated at their staring, "What are you all looking at? Go back to your yelling."

Esme stands up and walks over to me, "you were asleep all day Willow. It's 6:30 pm." I look down at my phone and sure enough she's right.

"Why didn't anyone wake me up?"

"Rose threatend to hurt anyone, including me, that bothered you." Jasper says. I look him over and I can't help but to admire him.

He's sitting down hunched over with black jeans on and a plain black shirt that hugs him nicely. His hair is messy and his eyes are more golden then usual. His hands and jaw are clenched meaning he's angry.

If no one was around I would jump him right now. To feel his hands and lips all over my body when he's mad sounds like a dream.

Suddenly a smirk makes its way on to his face and he raises his eyebrow in a questioning way.

I quickly look away from him once I realize he felt what I was feeling.

That's when I still feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, "Is there a reason you all are still staring?" My mood does a whole 360.

"You should have stayed asleep considering you look more horrible than ugly." Edward says.

"You must have a thing for ugly girls then because weren't you the same one who kissed me?"I snap back.

His eyes widen and fear fills his eyes. He quickly looks at Jasper.

"You did what?" Jasper asks standing up.

He didn't know.

I giggle at the scene.

"Lets handle this at another time," Carlisle says standing infront of Edward so Jasper can't get to him.

Jasper chuckles and shakes his head.

He's pissed.

He walks over to me and pulls me down on his lap as he sits down.

I sigh out in comfort begin close to him.

"Now Rose, I do understand your concearn about Edward is happy with Bella. I think it's a great idea for her to come over tomorrow and meet you all."

Dreams • Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now