10 Training

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"I want a run down of the training practices of your old pack right now. Leave nothing out." The King says. I give him a confused look but nod.

"Where do you want me to start?" I ask.

"How old do you start training?" He asks.

"Four or five depends on the parents." I shrug.

"Okay break it down for me. What dos a four year old's training look like?" He asks.

"Primary school at 6AM followed by a run. Shift training for a couple hours. Combat training until 8PM, dinner, homework, bedtime at 10. There is a little wiggle room some parents let the pups stay up later but my father is head warrior. The only way I stayed up was to practice with him." I explain.

"Seriously? Did you ever play with friends? Go to the park? Watch TV?" Gamma Asher asks.

"Of course I did. There was recess at school. The other pups and I would run battle drills on the play ground. Got ta tell ya the humans gave us odd looks." I chuckle. "We went to the park too. It had more rugged terrain. We would learn survival skills...and as for TV of course I did that was the best day of the week! We got to watch videos of our training and evaluate our strengths and weaknesses." They are looking at me like I have three heads.

"That's not exactly what I meant." The Gamma mumbles.

"You said shift training... at four?! What about pups who haven't shifted yet?" The King asks.

"What do you mean? Every wolf shifts at age four. Big ol' ceremony. The father pulls the pup's tooth and they shift in front of the pack. Tradition says the longer it takes a pup to shift the stronger they will become. The Alpha's son took three and a half hours. I took a little over two." I explain.

Alpha King Alic's POV

My heart breaks for the boy. How could any Alpha do that? What pack would put up with it?

"Is that not normal?" He asks seeing my concerned look.

"I was seven when I first shifted." I tell him to answer the question. "The reason you had to endure that torture for hours us because your body wasn't ready to shift."

"Oh... so you don't?..." he starts and I shake my head.

"What are the rules for training? You asked me that before your fight so tell me. What rules did your pack have?" Ash asks.

"1. Never give up
2. They are your Enemy
3. No mercy they submit or die.

Simple really. If you give up when you could have continued you are punished. If you allow a wolf up who does not submit it's the same. We create warriors. Training is not a game." Faolan recites the rules like he's said them a million times.

"And the night root?" I ask getting to the most worrisome part.

"We fight until near death... honestly I went easy on Randy. I should have slashed open his chest when he refused to submit. He'd know better next time. Then you take the night root and are better by morning. Its not a big deal." The boy shrugs.

"How many times have you taken night root Faolan?" I question scared to death of the answer.

"More than some, not as much as most. I was a top fighter, it's why the Beta offered to train me, so I didn't take much. I won more than I lost... Why are you looking at me like that? What's so wrong with night root? It heals you." He asks and I sigh.

"Night root will heal almost anything... but it comes at a cost. The more you consume the crazier you get. I want you to see the doctor. That crap can cause lasting damage to your brain... Faolan I want you to forget everything you learned back there. We don't use that stuff here. You nearly killed Randy. He may still die from that wound on his neck... from now on I only want you training with Asher, Malakai, or myself... go to the doc then get some rest. We'll talk more tomorrow." I explain.

Faolan POV

Kill him?! I barley touched him! No! I'm not a bad guy! How can this happen!?

I start to hyperventilate.

I was so sure he would be fine. Maybe my brain is broken. I'm not a killer! At least not unnecessarily. Oh My! I nearly killed a guy! In training! I didn't think that was possible! If my brain is broken who knows who I will hurt?! The King, Gamma, Willow!?

"Calm down pup!" Gamma Asher says gripping my shoulders. "You're gonna be okay."

"Its not me I'm worried about!" I yell jerking away from him. "If I'm crazy I could hurt people! I nearly killed a guy today! What if I hurt Willow!? Your daughter!" I yell at Gamma Asher then turn to the king. "Your granddaughter!... just Kill me please! I knew she was too good for me. I knew being in this pack was more than I deserved. I knew I was damaged goods after what my Beta did to me I just didn't realize how damaged. Brain damage? I can't fix that and I won't hurt anyone else. Please just put me out of my misery!"

Gamma Asher POV

I listen to the boy beg for death and I relate. I don't know if I can help him but I will try my best. Is this how I sounded to Alic all those years ago? He can't be blamed for his upbringing. What matters is what he does now.

I do wonder what this Beta has to do with anything but I won't push him. He is on edge as it is and I don't want to make things worse.

"How about I take you to the infirmary to see the doc. Let's not jump to conclusions. Like you said you are an excellent fighter. You didn't take as much as others and you've been off of the night root for what three years? You may be fine." I tell him.

Alic gives me a look and I know the boy is my charge now. I can't let him make the same mistakes I have.

Faolan nods and stands up.

Please God let this boy be okay.

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