11 Broken

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"Right this way Mr. McKenzie. The King linked me you were on your way." The doctor says as Gamma Asher leads me in.

"You want me to stay or..." he asks awkwardly.

"I'm not a pup, Gamma. I can handle a doctor's appointment." I tell him and he sighs in relief before nodding.

"Link if you need someone. I know how you feel and I'm here for you." He says and I nod.

"See you at dinner Gamma." I respond before following the doctor.

I walk past a bed where I can see a man all bandaged up and intubated. Randy. I did that. I pause a moment watching his chest rise and fall. He's still alive.

"Don't worry pup, he'll make it." The doc says when he sees I stopped. "The tube will be out in another few hours and he'll be good as new in a couple days. You dug in deep but I'm good at my job so why don't we check you out now, yea?" I nod and continue walking.

"So in your professional opinion how much night root can a person ingest before they can't be saved?" I ask as I sit on the bed.

"It varies from person to person. I've seen someone OD after one dose and I've seen someone take it for years and recover... let's just get some scans and see what we're dealing with." He tells me and I nod.

"Could it cause people to do things that are generally accepted as wrong and think it is okay?" I ask.

"Can you be more specific?" He asks and I bite my lip. I don't want to tell him.

"I won't tell anyone. Doctor Patent Confidentiality. As long as you won't endanger the pack that is. Then I'd have to tell the king." He tells me and I nod.

"Murder, rape, pedophilia?" I ask trying not to give away exactly what I'm looking for.

"Are you tempted to...."

"No! Nothing like that!" I cut him off. "No it's just... some things that someone did in my old pack... it would explain..." I trail off.

"No pup, you have to be pretty messed up to begin with to do those things. Paranoia, aggression, memory loss, lack of concentration, lower inhabitants, that's what prolonged exposure to night root can cause." The doc explains. So I won't end up like him... the drugs weren't the cause.

"Thanks doc." I sigh.

"No thanks needed for the truth... now can we get you checked out?" He asks with a grin and I smile back.

"Yea doc. Do your worst."


"How was your doctor's visit?" Gamma Asher asks as I enter the Gamma house.

"We will get results tomorrow." I answer.

"Well then nothing to worry about tonight." He says leading me into the dining room.

"Faolan!" Willow yells wrapping me in a hug.

"Hey low low." I force a smile.

"What happened today?" She asks.

"Leave the boy alone, little wolf. He's had a rough day. Come on let's eat." The Gamma says moving us along. I know this isn't over with. My mate can be a bit pushy.

The dinner was quiet and rather awkward. Gamma Asher wouldn't let Willow question me but offered little conversation otherwise. Let's just say by the end of the night I couldn't wait to go home.

"Stay in the spare room pup. You need to see the doc in the morning so no point going home plus we don't really want you off the territory." The Gamma says as I try to leave.

"I appreciate the offer sir but I don't have any clothes here and I don't want to impose. Anyway I have a room at the pack house." I decline.

"No imposition, Faolan, I offered. As far as the clothing goes you've lived in a pack before. You know their are plenty of clothes floating around." He counters placing a hand on my shoulder and leading me upstairs.

I get the feeling I'm not going home tonight.


"Way, you up?" I hear a whisper and jump up in bed. I'm not a very sound sleeper. I'd wake at the drop of a pin.

"Willow? What are you doing in here?" I ask with a yawn. She should be asleep.

"I couldn't sleep knowing my mate was in the same house as me... could you?" She asks thinking I was awake when she came in. One advantage to being a light sleeper.

"You need your sleep, low low. Go back to bed." I tell her not answering the question.

"Sure thing!" She grins climbing into my bed.

"This is not a good idea mate." I say looking down at her head on my chest.

"Do you not want me here?" She asks looking hurt.

"Of course I do!" I quickly respond.

"Then what's the problem?" She growls not liking my protest. I'd guess she is accustomed to getting her own way.

"Think about this. You fall asleep curled up to my side like this. The rhythm of my heart lulling you to sleep." I start.

"Sounds good to me." She hums nuzzling into my chest.

"Then you wake up to me looking down at you. I tell you you are beautiful no matter how messy your hair and without a speck of makeup." I continue.

"Perfect." She mumbles.

"Then I lean down to capture your lips in a good morning kiss..."

"What are you getting at Faolan? This sounds wonderful so go to sleep!" Willow growls looking up from my chest. I lean in so our lips are nearly touching.

"Then just as my lips are about to brush yours." I say then back away quickly. "Your father breaks through the door, rips me out of bed, and tears my throat out thinking I took advantage of his daughter."

"He wouldn't do that!" She argues.

"Have you met your dad?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "Plus from what Beta Malak says he isn't the only one out for my blood. Do you really want to give them a reason to hate me? Your family seems rather traditional with the whole mates thing. It would be disrespectful to your father and more importantly to you for us to share a bed before we are mated."

"I'm not trying to get in your pants Faolan." She says crossing her arms.

"I'm going with the old saying 'Avoid the very appearance of evil'... sorry mate but it will have to wait... after tonight I will be back in the pack house and you won't have to worry. You can last one night." I tell her as I walk her to her door. "Good night Willow." I smile kissing her forehead. She rolls her eyes but gives me a half smile.

"Good night, Faolan." With a kiss to my cheek she enters her room and shuts the door.

I smile and let out a small chuckle shaking my head before I turn to go back to my room.

"Glad I don't have to kill ya, son."

I turn around startled by the voice.

"You have nothing to worry about Gamma." I tell Willow's father and he nods. I nod back and he turns back into his room.

As soon as I'm back in my room I crawl into bed and go to sleep. Well this was an interesting night!

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