05 Speak

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I've seen Willow at least three times a week for the last month. She has kept our bond a secret from everyone at my request. It's amazing she has done that for me. I know she goes through a lot ditching her guards. I'm honestly amazed we haven't been caught but I guess my girl is just that good.

"There's my handsome mate!" Willow coos wrapping her arms around me.

"Hello, low low." I grin returning the embrace.

"Hey, Way." She smiles back at me.

"Picnic?" She asks holding up a basket.

"How do you bring that sneaking away from your guards?" I ask in response.

"Very carefully." She answers then begins to laugh as she sets out the blanket.

We lay side by side munching on sandwiches and fresh fruit.

"I really wish I could take you home with me." Willow sighs looking in my eyes. I pull her close to me so she is resting on my chest and look up at the stars.

"I'm sorry Willow. You deserve better." I whisper. She deserves so much better than me.

"No, Way, it's not like that... I just wish I knew why you feel the need to stay away. If you could just tell my grandfather what he wants to hear we could be together. We wouldn't have to hide... I don't want anyone else. I just want more of you." She says.

"I'm sorry." I mumble not knowing what else to say.

"No, don't be... just hold me a bit longer... I'll take what I can get." She says.

"I love you, Willow." I whisper kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too, Faolan." She responds snuggling into my chest.


"Hold on a second, Way." Beta says stopping me after group training.

"Beta." I respond wanting desperately to get away from this man.

"You've turned into a strong young man. How old are you now? 15?" He asks smiling at me making my skin crawl.

"16." I answer keeping my words few. I haven't been around the Beta since I turned 13 and am thankful for it. I guess I got to old for him.

"You know my newest 'trainee' is on vacation with his parents. What do you say we have some fun for old times sake?" He smiles at me. He begins to walk towards his house with an arm around my shoulder. "You know I miss you... you were my favorite. Always so... accommodating... you never did put up a fight."

"Stop." I say pulling away from him. "I'm not a pup anymore. You can't make me do anything."

"I'm still your Beta... but you know you're right... you're a bit old now... how old is your little brother? 8? I don't usually have two 'trainees' at once but little Danny will be gone for a few weeks and I need someone in the interim." He tells me.

"Let's go." I hiss walking towards the Beta's house. I slide my hand in my pocket. Always carry a knife. One of the Beta's rules. Useful things.

"That's a good boy, Way." He grins slinging an arm over my shoulder.

My grip on the knife tightens as he leads me up the stairs. The Beta removes his shirt as soon as the door closes.

"You know the drill, Way... on your..." his sentence is cut off as the silver digs into his chest. I pull out my knife and plunge it back into him. Over and over I stab the man. I feel the tears fall down my face as his blood splatters on my skin.

My body begins shaking as the adrenaline that fueled me fades.

I did it!... I finally did it... oh crap! I did it... I killed the Beta... I killed him! I'm dead! Sooooo dead!

"Way.... Way, wake up." I feel Willow shake me.

"I need to leave soon." She whispers.

"Tell mate... you can trust her." My wolf prompts me.

"Do you still want to know?" I ask under my breath.

"Know what?" She responds.

"Why I did it... why I'm rogue... why I can't tell your grandfather." I elaborate.

"Yes... are you sure? You don't have to..." she starts.

"He was a disgusting man, the Beta." I begin cutting her off. "He took in young boys. He told our parents he'd 'train' us... make us into great warriors. He did that. He made us strong. We trained long hours he made us warriors. He said it was his duty as Beta to train the brightest boys... but nothing in life is free. He took his payment from his 'trainees'. He took pleasure in us. I was his for three years before he moved on to the next boy. Then when I turned 16 he threatened to take my baby brother. I couldn't let him do that... I went to his house and killed him. His son walked in on me and I killed him too." I can see the tears in her eyes. Her face... it's hard to read... she looks angry... disgusted... I know I am disgusting, weak, and now she does too. Her stern face breaks as she wraps her arms around me.

"I'm so sorry, Way." She cries holding me close. "That man... that, that, pervert! I can't believe you went through that! You are so strong to stand up to him."

"I'm weak... I never said no, Willow. I never tried to stop him." I mumble.

"You were a child! He was an adult! A Beta! What could you have done?" She asks.

"I could have killed him when I was 10... the first time he brought me to his house... I could have ended him." I growl.

"At 10? With little training? You think a 10 year old could kill a Beta?" She asks.

"I could have tried." I mumble.

"Then he may have killed you and I wouldn't have a mate." She argues.

"I could have told someone... I... I could have told my father." I say.

"Would he have believed you?" Willow asks.

"Probably not... he thought the Beta was a great man. I tried to tell him after I killed the Beta... he wouldn't listen." I mumble.

"So their was nothing you could do." She says.

"I... I... maybe." I stammer unable to argue.

"And you saved your brother." She states and I nod my head. "I see a strong man who protected his family. A man I'm proud to call my mate. You have nothing to be ashamed of, Faolan."

"Okay." I respond not feeling any different but glad she sees me that way.

"You should speak up... no one will think less of you. Join my pack. Please, Way, I promise it will be okay. Only Grandpa needs to know if you want to keep it secret... you need to tell someone." Willow says.

"I did... I told you... it took this long to tell you. I trust you. You can't tell anyone. Please. I couldn't live with myself. I couldn't live with people knowing. It's over. In the past. Let it stay that way, Willow." I respond.

"Okay... I'm sorry, Way. I won't say anything... just think about it, please." She begs.

"Thank yo.." I try to say but am cut off by a loud voice.

"Unhand her in the name of the King!"

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