02 A New Life

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3 years later

The alarm blares waking me from a peaceful slumber. I grab my phone quickly silencing it. A shower is always the perfect thing to wake me up. I look in the mirror and run my hand across the deep scaring of a bite mark across my chest. I shake it off and head to work.

"Faolan! My man I thought you wouldn't show!" My buddy Mac yells as I'm putting on my safety glasses and other PPE.

"Nah! Just a little sluggish this morning." I tell him.

"Good! I'd hate to see you fired! You're the only decent human being in the factory." He says and I laugh.

"You're not so bad yourself Mac. Now get to work or I'll fire you!" I yell him with a smile.

"Yes sir! Mr. Supervisor sir!" He laughs and heads out onto the production floor.

I started working here when I was 16. (Faked my documents of course.) This was after the bite on my chest that marks me as a King's Rogue. Basically the worst criminals are taken before the werewolf King for trial. If he decides you are guilty he bites you. This mark will make any wolf try to kill me if I enter a pack's land. The hunters were killed off years ago so that's a plus but I still have to avoid my own people.

"You gonna go to work Way?" The plant manager, Callan asks. He took me in after my banishment. He's kinda like a dad to me.

"Yes sir." I nod.

"You've earned this, Way. I'm proud of you." He tells me and I smile. This is my first day as floor supervisor. I've worked my butt off for it and at 19 I am in charge of men over twice my age. It's been hard work but most respect me now. With the turnover rate here I'm actually one of the older employees by start date.

"Thanks Cal. I won't let you down." I tell him.

"Never thought you would." He smiles and heads to his office as I go to the production floor.

12hr shift done and at 6am I get to head home. I flop onto my bed and close my eyes.

"Faolan?" A voice that hardly ever speaks any more sounds in my head.

"Sup Wolfie?" I ask trying to keep him talking. It is hard on your wolf not being around other wolves. His depression is sometimes overwhelming.

"Can we go on a run?" My wolf asks. I cringe in pain at the thought.

"Are you sure you want to?" I ask him. I don't shift unless absolutely necessary because of the pain in my shoulder in wolf form. It's just a mark as a human but as a wolf my shoulder blade is shattered and will not heal.

"Never mind." He sighs but I know he wants to go.

"We can go... I'm happy to hear from you again." I tell him. I can always sense him he's just quiet now.

"Thank you." He says then silence again.

I leave my apartment and head into the forest.

"Its all you Wolfie." I tell him and I feel my bones snap.

Once in wolf form I limp when I put pressure on my right front paw. This is supposed to make it so a King's Rogue can't attack pack wolves. It is the worst punishment in our world. I do my best not to ruin this for my wolf. I just relax back into my mind and let him go.

"Thank you, Faolan." My wolf says as he returns to my pile of clothes.

"No problem buddy." I respond as I take back control. Having a depressed wolf is the hardest part about being a King's Rogue.

I've stayed close to the Royal pack. I'm not really sure why but I can't seem to leave. The only one who can lift this curse is the king so maybe I'm just hoping he will one day.


"Way!" Callan calls to me waving his hands to get my attention. I step away from the line operator I was talking to and go to him.

"Sup boss!" I say once we are within human hearing distance.

"I need you to run into town for me." He says and I gulp.

"You know I can't. I told you before I can't go into town. Their is a reason I order everything online." I tell him.

"Because your generation is lazy." He says chuckling. "Seriously tho. It's my anniversary and I haven't gotten Freya the gift. I have the necklace picked out and paid for I just need you to pick it up. In and out. Come on man I need you!"

"And you can't do it after work?" I ask.

"The store will be closed." He responds.

"Just a quick pick up and I get the rest of the day off." I negotiate.

"Yes! Done! You are a life saver, Way!" Callan says hugging me. "Now get out of here boy!"

I leave quickly headed for town. You see the town is right over the border into the Royal pack territory. I don't want to die but I owe Cal my life so what can I do? It's a quick pick up. In and out. What can go wrong?

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