20 Confrontation

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As soon as we landed we went to a hotel. We didn't give Alpha Angus a heads up. Element of surprise and all. Staying outside of the pack borders gives us some safety. As soon as I'm in my room I call my mate.

"How's it going?" Willow asks as soon as I say hello.

"Good. We just checked in we won't go to the pack until tomorrow morning." I tell her.

"Are you okay?" Man I'm tired of that question.

"Yea, Dad had me talk it out on the plane. I'm good low low." I answer.

"You know I love it that you and my dad are getting close." She tells me and I smile.

"You're entire family have shown me what a family should be. I'm glad I get to be a part of it." I respond.

"They are your family now and always will be." She says.

"Thanks Willoooow." I yawn as I say her name. Dang jet lag.

"Go to sleep, Way. You have a big day tomorrow. Just remember I'm proud of you and I Love you." She tells me.

"Love you too Low low." I respond before hanging up before showering and crashing.

"Time to get up, pup!" I hear a pounding on my door and groan. I guess it's time.

As I sit in the back of the car I feel my fists clench. No going back now. I watch our car pull through the gates and my jaw clenches. A hand on my shoulder causes me to exhale. I hadn't realized I was holding my breath.

"You aren't alone. Breath, you got this." Gamma Asher tells me and I nod.

"Faolan I want you behind the three of us until I call for you. Keep your head down. You will get your chance to confront them but I want to talk to the Alpha first." The king says and I nod.

"Yes, Alpha." I say.

"You're doin' good pup. I'm proud of you." Alpha Alic says and I feel calmer. No one was proud of me until I came here and now I have a big family that all tell me that. They praise me, they comfort me, and they correct me, pushing me to be better. I didn't even know I was missing this but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

"We're here." The warrior who is driving says as we pull up to the pack house.

"My King!" I hear someone call out as soon as the car door is open and Alpha Alic steps out. Beta Malak gets out of his car and stands on one side of him as Gamma Asher takes his place on the other side. In a matter of seconds the warriors have set ranks around the leaders giving me the cover to exit the vehicle unnoticed. "I am Egon McKenzie head warrior. What a surprise. What brings you to our little pack?" He asks.

I try to get a look at the man, my father. He looks the same as when I was taken away.

"I'm here to see your Alpha." The king says and my father nods.

"Thomas! On me boy!" He yells and I see a young man run to his side standing at attention.

"Yes sir." He answers our father.

"Tell the Alpha we have guests." Father orders and Thomas runs off.

"Could you not simply use your mind link? I'd like to get this over with quickly." Alpha Alic says.

"The link in our pack has been weak for the past 15 years or so. My boy is quick. It won't take long." My father answers.

"You have a big family Warrior?" Beta Malak asks. I hate small talk but I hate my father's response more.

"Thomas is an only child. He had an older brother but he died a few years ago."

I start to move forward but feel a hand on my chest. Gamma Asher gives me a look over his shoulder and I stay back. It's not time yet.

"My King! To what do we owe the pleasure?" Alpha Angus calls out as he leaves the pack house approaching our group.

"I'd like to discuss the use of night root in your training practices." Alpha Alic gets right to the point.

"My King, I don't know where you got your information but you've been mislead. Night root is far to dangerous to be used in every day training." Alpha Angus smiles. I'd believe him if I didn't know better.

"You are lying to me, Angus. Tell me you didn't know about what Carter was doing at least. Tell me you didn't let him get away with using your pack, your son. Please tell me you didn't know about that and make me believe you." Alpha Alic responds and I can see the fear in the other Alpha's eyes.

"My Beta was a good man. He made my warriors strong. I couldn't ask for better." Alpha Angus says avoiding answering. He knew! He knew! How could he not stop him! I feel myself shaking. He should have protected us, his pack!

"At what cost, Angus? Was it worth it? For your son? Your pups? Faolan? You sold the boy out for circumstances you could have prevented!" Alpha Alic yells.

"Angus what is he talking about?" My father asks.

"That boy killed my son! Carter had his demons but he got the job done. One boy thought himself to important to take his training like a man and I lost three of my family members. Don't judge me for my choices. You agreed! You marked him as a rogue! You can't come back here and change your mind! This is MY pack and I'll run it as I see fit!" my former Alpha yells.

"What did Carter do to my son?" My dad asks Alpha Angus who scoffs.

"You were all to happy to offer the boy up to him, Egon. Don't pretend you didn't know the price of his training!" The Alpha responds.

"What happened to my son!" My father yells but gets no response. "Someone answer me!"

I place my hand on Alpha Alic's shoulder asking permission to reveal myself. It's time for everyone to know. I get a nod and he steps to the side so I can stand to face my father.

"I tried to tell you. You wouldn't listen." I tell him and he turns to look at me.


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