15 Healing

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"Faolan are you okay?" Willow asks running up to me and I nod.

"Strangely... yea... look low low I'm sorry I've been short with you. You don't deserve that." I apologize.

"No, it's my fault, Way. I know you've been through a lot and I should be more understanding so I'm sorry." She responds and I pull her into my arms.

"You are amazing my little mate." I whisper nuzzling her neck.

"And you are the bravest wolf I know." She responds.

"How about we go for a run?" I suggest and she smiles.

"Catch me if you can." She says before running off doing a flip and landing as her wolf. I guess everyone here goes through rapid shift training, good. I growl playfully and shift chasing after my mate.


"You seem to be in higher spirits today." Gamma Asher notes as I meet up with him, Alpha Alic, and Beta Malak. I give him a smile.

After finally talking to the Doc I felt... a little lighter. I mean my chest hurt the entire time we spoke but as soon as I started all the sarcasm and jokes from Doctor Barnes stopped. He told me how it wasn't my fault and talked me through some ways I was processing that hurt me. It helped some. I'm not sure I really believe everything he said but I feel more free...

Anyway running with Willow just made everything perfect. She just loves me without judgment and didn't even push about what the Doc and I worked on. I missed my mate. I was feeling like I was seeing her less now that I joined the Royal Pack. Today so far has brought peace.

"I feel Amazing, sir... thank you for pushing me into the whole therapy thing... you were right." I tell him.

"Well I'm not one to brag and I won't say I told you so. I'm just glad it's helping you." He smiles putting a hand on my shoulder. "Now let's show the old guys how its done." He smirks and runs. I follow along with the King and his Beta.


"Alpha Alic?" I say knocking on his office door as I open it.

"Come on in Faolan. What can I do for you?" He smiles at me as I walk in.

"About my old pack..." I trail off not sure how to ask him what I want.

"You want to know what I plan on doing about them? Or are you offering to help?" He responds knowing what I'm here for.

"Are you going to help them? Are you going to remove Alpha Angus? What about the pack? My father, mother, brother? I can't sit here and let them go on like they have been! I mean I could have died and they are still torturing the pack and no one even knows its wrong!" I rant.

"So I take it you are wanting to join in the planning on how to deal with them." He smiles looking... proud?

"Yes sir. I need to stand up for my people." I say and he nods.

"We will protect our people, pup. It's in the job description of the royal pack to protect all wolves. I'd gladly take your input. We've been discussing what to do since you told us what was going on. I wanted you to feel more comfortable here before we make a move. I think having you with us when we confront your former Alpha will be good for your pack to see however they may be apposed to you so be prepared for a less than warm welcome." He explains and I nod.

"I never expect warm from my family... I really want my brother to have a better life tho. He'll be 12 soon. I'd like to see him before he turns into a moody teenager." I chuckle.

"Believe me tho moodiness starts before 13." He laughs. "But we will sort this our before then." I give him a nod.

"Thank you, Alpha."

"Its Alic and you know it pup." He corrects me.

"My apologies Alpha King Alic Stephen Grayson!" I give an over exaggerated bow and he laughs.

"Get out of here boy before I throw you out!" I run out of his office laughing. I could never have had this back home. It feels good, free, like I'm loved.


"So when were you going to tell me that you are flying half way around the world to confront the man who created the pack that tortured you, made you rogue, and wants you dead?" Is my greeting as I walk into the Gamma house later that night.

"Listen Willow let me explain." I say holding my hands up in front of me.

I probably should have talked to my mate first.

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