12 Moving On

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"So how'd it go with the doctor?" The King asks as I sit across from him.

"Some of my scans show damage. Doc has me on some meds to balance me out. He says it's minor and anyone could have the same results without knowing it but with me we know the cause. He is hopeful that the drugs will right what ever is wrong up here." I tell him tapping my temple.

"Is that all?" He asks and I roll my eyes. I hear him growl at the gesture and sit up straighter. Where did that come from? I know better than to show disrespect. Its just I know the doctor already told him all this.

"He wants me to see a shrink." I mumble.

"I think that would be for the best. We have a couple wonderful psychologists in our pack. The doctor mentioned that the intensity of the training at your old pack is likely what is keeping people from going insane. The rigid structure. I'm gonna have you training with the ranking wolves daily to help you but I know you have more psychological scars than physical ones. I'll set an appointment for you so you can see someone a couple times a week, more if you need it." He tells me.

"With all due respect sir, its not necessary." I argue.

"It is pup. Holding it in is like poison. You need someone to talk to." He responds.

"I told Willow. I told you. I'm not going to tell your head shrink. You can make me go but I've kept my mouth shut since I was ten. I won't break nine years of practice to spill out my screwed up past to a stranger. I can see the pity in your eyes. It's the same with Gamma Asher. He's been going easy on me and I know it. I won't have another person thinking I am weak!" I rant and he sighs.

"No one thinks you're weak Faolan. It's the opposite really. If I thought you were weak I would have no problem having you train with everyone else. You are exceptionally strong physically. Mentally you are a scared, confused, and abused pup. You need help... but I can't do anything for you until you see that... let me know when you are ready to be helped. Until then you are still training with Beta Malakai, Gamma Asher, and I." He tells me and sighs. "We have your best interests at heart, son. I wish you could see that."

"Is that all Alpha?" I ask unsure how to respond.

"Yeah, pup, that's all. Be on the training field at four o'clock the rest of the pack will be finished and we can start." The king says and I nod.

"I'll be there sir." I tell him.

"Alic.. at least call me Alic. Remember you're family here." He corrects me.

"See you at training, Alic." I nod again before leaving.


"Alright let's get started!" Gamma Asher calls out as he walks onto the training grounds. Alpha Alic and Beta Malak both chuckle.

"Yea yea Gamma were here, chill pup!" Beta Malak says.

These guys are something else. I know the Gamma is young enough to be their kid but they look about the same age and they act like best friends.

"Sure Beta, you old guys need to take it easy." He responds.

"Leave me out of it boy! I can still take you." The King growls and laughs.

I chuckle and all three look at me.

"Oh yes! We have fresh meat in our training now." Beta Malak chuckles.

"Lets go for a run then we can spar. We got even numbers now." Gamma Asher says and we take off running around the pack.

"You old farts can spar together, wouldn't want you to break a hip! I'll take the kid." Gamma Asher announces as we finish our run.

"You don't have to hold back with me Faolan." He tells me.

"But what if I hurt you like I did the other guy?" I argue.

"You're good but you're not that good." He smirks at me. "Bring it on pup!"

I look my mate's father in the eye. I see a spark there like training is what he lives for. He gives nothing away. I'm sure he will do the same quick shift stuff and try to catch me off guard but I know I'm faster than him. The guy is all muscle and in an arm wrestling match I'd be dead meat but there's more to fighting than brute strength. I just need to keep him from landing a punch. Stay light on my feet and wait for an opening.

"You gonna make a move pup?" He asks. I guess he's tired of us circling each other.

"I was taught to respect my elders so by all means, make the first move!" I taunt back. Yes I realize that was less than respectful to my mate's father but it's the same type of joke he has been throwing at the King all day so it seemed appropriate.

"Alright pup let's get this party started." He grins.


"Again!" I growl jumping up from the training ground's packed dirt.

"We're done son." Gamma Asher shakes his head. "You've improved a lot today. We'll pick this up tomorrow."

"No! Again! I can beat you!" I challenge. I've never been on the losing side of a fight this many times in a row.

"Boy I've put you on your back 23 times in a row. I'm going to get some dinner and go to bed. We'll pick this up tomorrow." He dismisses me.

"No! Please! Gamma I can't stop here! I need to win! I need to be the best! I need... I need it to be worth it." I go from yelling to whispering as tears threaten to fall.

I see the look in his eyes... in all their eyes. Pity. They pity me. Only the king knows the full extent of my damage. Gamma Asher only knows about the night root. I won't tell him about the Beta.

"Guys give me a minute with my son, yea?" The Gamma says to the other two men who nod leaving me with my Mate's father alone on the training field.

A King's Rogue and a Princess Where stories live. Discover now