19 Returning Home

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After 4 days with just Willow and I it was time to return to reality as I am summoned to the King's office.

"It's time." The king says as soon as I enter the room. "We are flying out in a few hours."

"Kinda short notice. Willow is gonna be ticked! She's gonna think I was keeping this from her!" I yell at him. One look makes me back down. As kind as the king is he is still the king and he demands respect.

"I talked to Willow." Gamma Asher says as he comes in.

"She's not mad?" I ask

"Not at you. Go pack a bag. Expect to be gone a week. This could take a while."


"I'll see you soon." I tell Willow as I kiss her. Leaving her here sucks!

I feel my anxiety spike as the private plane takes off. By this time tomorrow I will be confronting my former Alpha and my family. I know I'm going to have to tell them about the Beta. I know I'm going to have to help explain how wrong the training practices are. I know the king brought me to help bridge the gap between my old pack and himself. I know I'm terrified of what will happen.

"You okay, pup?" The King asks sitting next to me. I hadn't realized we could get up yet. I nod looking out the window.

"We will be with you the entire time. If anyone comes against you we will stand at your side. You are family, pup." He tells me before placing a hand on my shoulder then walking away to talk to some of the warriors we are bringing.

"What's got you so wound up son?" Gamma Asher asks a bit later. I look away from the window to meet his eyes.

"Nothing. I'm good." I tell him and he gestures to my hands.

"If you want that to be believable I'd suggest you stop ripping that napkin into confetti. The stewardess has been staring you down for the last hour. I think you're on your fifth napkin. I feel bad for her when they have to clean this place." I look down at the pile of small scraps in front of me. It looks like more than five have been shredded.

"I'll pick it up." I tell him as I start to clean up the pieces that have fallen on the floor.

"Leave it, Faolan. You know keeping your feelings in is not good for you. Talk it out boy. No judgment." He says grabbing my hands to stop my frantic cleaning.

"I'm afraid of what they will think of me. Will my parents believe me? Can I get them back? What did they tell my brother? I haven't seen Thomas in four years. What does he think of me? Everyone loved the Beta they won't believe me." I spill my fears.

"I thought your Beta was a good man before I met you and I believe you. He was a friend of mine back when he was in our pack. One of my best warriors when I started training them." He says and my jaw drops.

I knew he was trained by the Royal pack but he was close with my new family?! I scoot away from Gamma Asher so I can look straight at him. He knew the Beta. He didn't tell me he was friends with the man who hurt me... the man I killed. I feel betrayed that he didn't tell me and afraid he will hate me. I killed his friend.

"Don't give me that look pup. If I would have know what he would become I would have put a bullet in his skull myself and raised little Dez to be a good man. I didn't see it." He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. "My mate, Emily, knew something was up with him but he accepted me even knowing I killed his family. I was blinded by the joy of finding a friend. I didn't see it. I knew he was hard on his son but I didn't think it was my place to judge. Then after the war his uncle Alpha Angus offered him the Beta position since his former Beta died in the fight. I was happy for him. A new start was what he needed after losing his mate. Being a single father isn't easy and he was going to live with family. I thought it was a good thing... I'm sorry Faolan. I blame myself. I should have stopped him before he even entered your life."

"It's not your fault, Dad." I whisper calling him that so he knows I don't hold it against him. He is my dad now. "But can I ask you something about the Beta?" I ask hesitantly.

"Anything, son." He instantly responds.

"What was his name?... I can't keep calling him Beta. He doesn't deserve the title." I say.

"You don't know his name?" He asks shocked and I shake my head.

"He wouldn't let anyone use it. Even his son called him Beta in public... when in his house I could only call him sir. He was always Beta in public." I explain.

"His name was Carter." He tells me. The name seems to normal to be held by the devil.

"Carter?... kinda anticlimactic. I was expecting some like super villain name. It sounds so... normal." I say.

"Yea... sorry to disappoint." Gamma Asher responds and it gets quiet. We both give a dry awkward chuckle. "Seriously, Way, you alright? I don't want this trip to make it harder for you. You can hang back and let Alic and I deal with them. You don't have to be there if it's to hard."

"I need to do this Gamma. I can't hide like a scared little boy. Plus if things go south you'll need the extra muscle." I smile it's nice to have someone worry about you.

"You still can't pin me pup! I got plenty of muscle!" He laughs flexing his arm.

"What ever old man!" I laugh as well pushing his arm which only gets me in a head lock with knuckles running across my scalp.

"Take it back boy!" He yells.

"Alright I give! You're not old!" I respond pushing him off of me.

The King then walks by and slaps Gamma Asher on the back of the head.

"Knock it off, pup. Leave the kid alone or I'll show you who is top dog around here!" He says and Beta Malak laughs.

"Well you are the only one of us that's been locked in a dog pound sooo..." Malak taunts.

"Knock it off Beta!" The king turns to look at him.

"Really?" I ask. Who gets locked in a dog pound?

"Yes... now buckle up we'll be landing soon." The King answers before taking his seat as Beta Malak continues to laugh.

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