A Beautiful Distraction

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A moment in which a distinct reality was singled out

From the countless endless intertwined truths

That was what happened when I saw Diana sitting alone in the cafeteria one fateful day at the Watchtower

She seemed bored about something so I went up to her

"Not feeling the food?" I asked

She turned to me and casted a slight smile

"When does it ever get better, Bruce?" she responded mockingly

I uttered a small chuckle as I took a seat next to her

"You want company?"

"Well, you already sat so, take that as a yes" she responded

I nonchalantly scratched my head at her response. Something was off about her today

"Why aren't you eating with the other members?" I asked

"Well, let me see.. Zatanna is out, Shayera is out, Dinah is out and Mari is out." She responded

"but we do have plans for a girl's night out this evening"

She turned to me to give me a full smile, and upon doing so, she noticed me holding unto something

"What is that, Bruce?"

The curious Amazon somehow was interested on the 'thing' that I was carrying

"Oh, this is what you call a camera. You take photos with it" I responded sharply

"Oh, it looks different, and bigger. Can't you just take photos with a normal phone?" she asked

"Well it is old-fashioned."

I wiped my camera dry, inspecting all the elements that were in it that I barely even remember being there

"Why are you carrying one?" she questioned, her voice was in a more curious tone this time


I knew she would eventually ask that, but somehow I was still hoping that she wouldn't be that interested

"Oh it's nothing big, just taking pictures" I responded rapidly

"Pictures of what?" she asked, also rapidly

"Some stuff.." I whispered as a response

"What stuff?" She whispered back

Darn, here we go again with her curiosity piquing me with unlimited questions

Are Amazons really overly curious in general?

I was hoping to keep it subtle, but I had no choice but to carry it around.

"It's a family tradition; this camera came from my grandfather, whom he passed to my father, whom he passed to me"

Diana's eyes gleamed listening to my story

"That's splendid, Bruce" she responded "So what kind of photos did you take?"

"Well, that's the thing Princess" I uttered

"It's not supposed to be just a normal photo, it has to be the most beautiful sight you'd ever seen"

Diana was confused for a moment. She put her finger on her lip as she looked up, indicating she was thinking of something

"Most beautiful huh?"

"Yeah, I carried the camera to the watchtower to take photos of the outer space, but I had doubts whether it is really it" I revealed

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