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"Miss Diana isn't here sire, did you two have a bicker?"


"That's odd, she has been spending lots of days here that her absence feels like unnatural"

"So you've said it" Bruce responded after sipping his glass of water

It was a nice afternoon inside the Wayne Manor as Bruce is taking his usual early dinner before heading out for patrol. Crimes haven't been imminent lately but he didn't take no chances

The news would be his usual recon on which destination to head to, and so he took the remote and pressed the button that turned on the television

The screen pops, revealing an astray of color and images that is quite jumbling to the eyes. Just In time for news as the reporter started to broadcast live

"We are live in the Gotham Monumental Park. This is Vicki Vale and we are currently here, live as we broadcast the new structure reveal of the Wonder Woman statues"

"Oh I didn't know it was today, no wonder she isn't here" Alfred spoke

"You speak as if she's here all the time." Bruce responded

"Isn't she, sire?" Alfred asked

"Vicki looks most especially stunning today as well" Alfred teased, knowing about his history with Gotham's most prominent journalist

"Shut up" Bruce retorted

"Here with us live is the woman herself, who made all of these possible. Introduce yourself" Vicki stated

"My name is Elise Dorian, the co founder of the All-Women group of sculptors. We have been inspired by Wonder Woman to be more than just any typical women and to go out there and be great." Elise uttered

Their voices could be barely heard due to the impending amount of noise generated by the people there. There were a whole lot of people who attended after all

Vicki then marched to the crowd to ask a certain Gotham resident about Wonder Woman

"Wonder Woman had taught us that women can be strong and capable. Finally we have a role model that our kids can look up to"

Alfred was quite offended by that statement. There was a sort of vendetta between her words that anyone could decipher. He just hoped that his ward didn't hear that as much as he did

"Now that was quite a remark but thank you for that. Now let's ask another resident on what they think about our very own Wonder Woman." Vicki said

She walked through the crowd, aiming to seek for the perfect candidate to speak on behalf of Gotham

And after a few moments of search, she finally stumbles upon one person

"What is your name, sir?"

"Standler, Boris Standler"

"So Mr. Standler, what can you say about Wonder Woman's overall effect on Gotham City"

The man took the microphone in haste as he spoke

"I just want everyone to know that finally, we have someone that we could rely on. Ever since Wonder Woman had come to Gotham, I was no longer afraid of going out at night nor have the fear of being mugged." He began

"Wonder Woman had definitely showed the people of Gotham that there is hope despite the stereotypes that people had for our city. Now we officially have a person that is strong and smart enough to handle Gotham, because the old one was too weak to do so" The man abruptly spoke with aggression in his voice, not even trying to hide his loathe over another certain vigilante

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