Tenth Night

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"Happy Halloween!!"

"Ha... happy Halloween.."

Bruce's voice lingered of defeat, without even any hint of an ounce on enthusiasm. Just beside him are Donna and Richie all dressed in costumes for Halloween, and they really looked good in it. Donna was wearing a lilac fairy dress and Richie was wearing a dragon outfit

He, on the other hand, was completely out of place. He was wearing a pirate costume with an eye patch and an old torn robe to match with the ragged character that he was playing

"You, what are you supposed to be?" The voice of the woman caught his attention. She was giving him a judgmental look

"Argh, I am Captain Black Cape, roamer of the high seas, ye shall hand over such booty to thy hands, mongrel"

He could hear the feint chuckle coming from the two kids next to him. The woman couldn't help but grimace, which turned into an expression of derision in which he felt really ridiculous in

"Oh–kay... Captain Cape, I can totally say now that I've officially seen enough. Here's your chocolate, kids."

Donna and Richie didn't hesitate to hold out their pumpkin baskets which the woman poured chocolate in. The kids then bid a farewell greeting as they started to walk away. Bruce however, stood still for a couple of seconds. The woman noticed this, and upon a closer look, she noticed

"Wait... aren't you Bru..."

"My bad, we must be going now. Thanks for the offering"

Bruce didn't hesitate to turn away, as if the whole situation wasn't enough, the whole neighborhood finding out Gotham's most eligible bachelor was out here dressed up in a ridiculous outfit while trick or treating will sure make it to the scoop of the month

And the last thing he wants is for Donna's special Halloween night to be ruined by some papparazis and crazy fans.

"Captain Cape, why are you so far away!!?" Donna's voice echoed from afar "We're down to our last stop, keep em coming, Argh!!"

A smile forms on his face, seeing Donna very happy and joyful somehow brought a fulfilling feeling inside of him. It has been a long time since he's done this, and that was when he was still at her age. Going through the neighborhood and asking for candies and chocolates without a care in the world

"Those were the days, Bruce Wayne"

Walking just behind the kids, Bruce now pondered why on earth he did this, or what urged him to do such a ridiculous thing this evening. The realization did so, and it came of an answer of a certain girl walking just in front of him with her fairy wings and pixie dress

Yes, he did this for her. It was Donna's first Halloween and he wanted it to be special for the little girl. Her sister is out for a special meeting with the women's council, and so she couldn't really spend that much time on Donna tonight

And the rest is history... A certain man coming in to the rescue for the little girl

"We're here, Captain Cape!" Donna announced as they halted just before the gates

"How about you do the ringing this time and greet the parent cheerfully, Bruce?" Richie suggested

"Yes!" Donna cheered in addition "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Grayson the Dragon!"

A sigh escapes his lips, as Bruce walked in to the porch. He didn't even bother to even take a notice of what house it was, or whom it belonged to. He just wanted this evening to be over, Donna seemed to have had enough fun already anyways

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