Video Call

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One could say that the night was beckoning, or perhaps at the peak of its activeness. Everyone would say as well too - even a certain man laying in his bed just staring at the ceiling for some reason.

Bruce had a blank expression as he gazed at how a lizard patiently crawled on the ceiling. Lizards actually keeps mosquitoes from swarming the manor, and so he found no problem on them sniffing around.

"I bet it's nice how lizards can just stick around and freeze on the spot all day. Me on the other hand - had to do tons of work at the company in the day and patrol Gotham at night..."

Bruce mumbled to himself, his eyes never leaving the lizard up top

"But I don't really mind that much, I am dedicated in this life. Lucius can't handle everything in the company, I had to step over sometime - and crimes haven't been so imminent than before..."

His thoughts raved to a certain someone, words can't describe the impact she's had in his city ever since she arrived in Gotham

Bruce was all up in his thoughts - when suddenly, a large ring from his phone took his attention. It was an incoming call from the lady herself

A coincidence or so Bruce may say. There was no denying the fact that timing couldn't have been better for so

He answered the phone, which culminated a surge of silence which he didn't expect

"Hello?" he spoke to the phone

There was no response

"Are you there?"

Still, not even a single hum.

Bruce thought up of reasons for the sudden call from her. Perhaps she needed him for something...

It didn't take long before the world's greatest detective could come up with a conclusion

"Press the green button, Diana..."

A few seconds later and a voice finally responds

"Oh can you hear me now, Bruce?"

Bruce heaved out a sigh upon hearing this.

"Yes, I am here, princess." Bruce flatly responded

"How can I help you?"

"Oh, it's just... I wanna test this new smartstone that you gave me"

"It's 'smart phone', Diana." Bruce corrected

"Of course, smart phone" Diana responded, a feint giggle can be heard from the other line despite being low

"Well, you're still adjusting with the technology so it's nothing to stress about. Just ask me anything that might pique your confusion whatsoever"

"I have a lot actually" She answered

"Like how are we able to talk despite being so far away?"

"It's because of a wireless connection, Diana. It provides a channel that lets our voices reach each other and have this communication despite being far away"

"But I don't see any wires, this rectangle thing doesn't have any wires in it" Diana reasoned out

Bruce scratched his head upon hearing this

"Diana, it's called wireless for a reason..."

"How does a wireless work, Bruce?"

"I just explained it earlier..."

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