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Bruce frowned. And heaved out a yawn as he steadily landed the batwing on the nice shores of Themyscira. Ever since that incident, the Amazons haven't been very hostile with his presence so far

Diana had been staying in Themyscira for almost a month now for a break that she so deserved. He is able to handle Gotham despite her absence

Still, he was still wondering why on earth he was summoned in the first place

Either ways, he is about to know

He slowly took off his seatbelt and aimed for the button that opens the hatch, finally breathing in the nice breeze of the ocean

Slowly glancing at the island, it seemed peaceful without anything to worry about. The grass is still green, the palm trees strong and the sand seemed firm, still firm at least

Bruce hopped out of his aircraft and started to walk under the hot wave of the weather. He internally thanked himself for deciding not to wear his batsuit for this specific day

It doesn't bother him if the Amazons knew about his face, and the reason should be fairly obvious why

Out of nowhere, he heard a familiar yell of a girl from a distance. The figure seemed to get closer and closer from a view and it took him a second to realize that this girl is indeed running towards him

"Bruce! I'm glad that you could come"

Bruce squints his eyes and immediately realized who the girl is

"Donna, I'm afraid the pleasure is all yours. I was planning to rest all day today"

"Wow, Bruce. What a very enthusiastic introduction"

"See, my sarcasm is rubbing off on you" Bruce jested

Donna chuckled in response as she led the man to the main palace where her mother awaits

"Any idea why the urgent summon?" Bruce asked

Donna didn't respond as she went on with her footsteps. This made Bruce uneasy all of a sudden

"You guys aren't planning on keeping me in captive, are you?"

Donna finally gives in as a burst of laughter came out of her mouth.

"Of course not, we're not that cruel Bruce"

"Well then tell me what it is for?"

"We're nearly there anyways, can't you just wait. I don't want to ruin the surprise"

"Hah, I hate surprises"

The little girls gave him a pout which was very similar to her sister's. Bruce couldn't help but chuckle a little bit when he saw this

"Alright alright, I'll play along.." he uttered

"So, how is your sister doing?"

"She's been doing okay these past days, I guess..."

"Doing okay huh..." Bruce repeated

Donna smiled to him upon hearing this; wondering to herself how fun it would be to watch what is in store for him later

"By the way, how was the season finale?" Donna asked

"Did they win in the end?"

"I'm not gonna spoil it for you, it's a surprise" Bruce joked as he clasped his palms together

Donna frowned, now she was starting to hate surprises too.

Upon finally arriving to the entrance itself, Bruce inhaled a lot of air to take in as courage to face her majesty herself

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