Watermelon Rendezvous

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Diana's sniffles echoes through the very empty mists of the lakeside as the water shines before her face. Her emotions were a brewing storm with a frown clearly on her lips

Something was bothering her.

"Kinda late to catch fishes now, don't you think?"

Diana turned to her side to see Bruce Wayne himself eating himself a watermelon with the red juice dripping from his lips. He offered her the other half which Diana eagerly accepted.

"I'm assuming they sent you here to fetch me?" Diana mumbled in a passive tone as she stares at the watermelon slice

"Not really?" His words were barely understandable with his mouth full from the watermelon "I was just gathering some materials for tomorrow and I saw you here all alone"

Diana slowly pinches a portion of the watermelon and fed it to her mouth. Slowly watching her, Bruce noticed something..

"Did something happen?" he asked

Diana turned to him "What?"

"You seem down for some reason"

"How can you tell?" Diana fixes her hair to the side

"Well..." Bruce looks ahead and stares at the lake from where he sat "That's not how you eat a watermelon... and by now, you should already be munching that down like a darn glutton monster"

Instead of being offended by his careless bicker, a laugh came out of Diana which surely lifted her spirits up from before. She then turned to him with a smile on her face

"You know me that well.."

"So what happened?" Bruce was quick to reciprocate as he finished his watermelon finally

Diana was silent for a few seconds.. but with nothing but the reflection of the lake illuminating her and Bruce, it was rather magical than awkward

She finally turned to him "My Mother yelled at me today..."

Bruce looked at her in response

"She said I had gotten careless with my blade and my concentration was not there..." she whined on the spot looking all down and guilty "And tomorrow would be a tournament for the Amazons to hone their skills. I'm scared that I will disappoint my Mother and Aunt Antiope.."

"Sounds tough" he murmured "I thought you would be more dedicated in things like that now that you're back here in your home.."

"Well.. my mind might've been quite occupied here and there..." she slowly admitted with a guilty expression

"What else could possibly rave your mind?" he asked "It's not like there's much distractions here in Themyscira"

"Umm.. y-you know.." Her hands started fidgeting with her voice shaky all of a sudden "Do you remember what happened the other day?"

"Oh..." a certain distinct memory came to Bruce that almost made him cringe "You mean that?"

"Mhmm.." Diana hummed while looking at him directly

Bruce remembers it quite well. It was in that afternoon when he stumbled upon the hot springs of the island when he saw a certain Amazon wearing nothing but a piece of fabric covering her chest. Unfortunately, she had dropped the fabric just before she saw Bruce standing there with a surprised expression on his face.

Without hesitant, the maiden ran away – leaving Bruce standing there, looking dumb and speechless


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