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I could never know what is going on with that man's mind at all

Perhaps I'm just over thinking stuff, or I'm really conflicted with how he had been referring to me recently

I don't really get it at all; I'm getting all worked up over a "nickname"

And the fact that he is the only person who refers me in such a "nickname"

I let this thing get over me with Hera only knows how many days had it been since it had been running through my mind

That man is just perplexed to the fullest, being my partner and all...

Well, he is my partner

And a close friend

So why am I getting all crazy about such thing?

It bothers me so much how such a mere call gets on my nerves

Perhaps I should ask him about it.


It was a busy afternoon in a village of Stockholm, Sweden as Diana was sitting by herself near a bench. Alongside with her partner Batman, they just finished dealing with a certain swarm of nanotech bees that had been causing such ruckus in the place as of lately

Diana heaved out a sigh with something running rampant on her mind. Batman was out to investigate some further clues that might lead them to the perpetrator of the certain incident, and so she sat alone

Her mind was filled of possible conclusions and answers that she made up herself. She never really asked him about it specifically which led her to be worked up about it

"By the Goddess, I just can't understand him at all. Why of all things must he refer to me in such a manner?"

Diana closed her eyes, to ease her mind from all the deep thinking. She reminisced all those times that Bruce had called her—

"Sorry about that, princess"

A certain voice caught Diana out of nowhere. She opened her eyes and saw Batman holding two nice popsicles in both of his hands

Diana gulped upon the sight of such delicious looking things that he is holding. She then gave Bruce a look of reassurance which Bruce nodded in return

"Which flavor would you like?"

"Anything will do, Bruce" she responded with a sweet smile

"Hah, the last time we were in this scenario, I picked up a flavor which you didn't really enjoy which caused you to be in a bad mood the whole day" He uttered

Diana blushed slightly upon hearing this notion. She then cleared her throat to change the subject which brings back such an embarrassing memory

Batman sat next to her and gave her the vanilla flavored Popsicle. He had known her quite well to know about her preference on such iced delicacies

Diana eagerly took the Popsicle without hesitation with a warm smile on her face

"Good Boy, you really know me well, Bruce"

"Anything for you, princess" he responded sarcastically

Upon hearing him say this, thoughts from earlier returned and haunted Diana once again. She had decided earlier that she will ask him about it and now is the perfect time

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