COMA- Pt.1

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RECAP:He then continues to talk about what went on in his day, but he started to ramble on and on, you closed your eyes and laid your head back, the dulcet sound of statistical facts and definitions made your heart cry with joy, he didn't know that though, he thought that he had bored you to sleep but little did he know that you had been listening to every sweet thing he had been saying to his little girl...



When you woke up you were in bed, but Spence wasn't laying next to you, you checked your phone for the time and it was already 9 am, you get up and look for him throughout the apartment, but he wasn't there, you decide that instead of freaking out, you'd just call penny and check if he was at work already.

📞ring ring

-still, nobody picked up the phone, you spent around half an hour calling everybody you know but nobody was picking up, at this point you were officially freaking out, you didn't know what to do, all of a sudden you started to hyperventilate, you started to have a panic attack, and you didn't know what to do. You tried to calm yourself down because you were thinking of your baby, but all of a sudden the lights went out, you felt your limp body hit the floor...-




When you woke up you were at the hospital, you woke up, groggy ass hell but still awake, you look down and your baby bump was no longer there, your heart rate started to skyrocket, you pushed yourself up but got dizzy, at the same time you felt a hand hold your head before it hit the bed, you open your eyes slightly and there she was, the goddess herself,


"Oh my god Y/N you're awake, I have to tell the nurse, I have to call everybody, Oh my god you're finally awake oh my god oh my god!"

"Penelope I'm so glad to see you right now, I called you earlier but you didn't answer, is everybody ok?"

"You called me earlier- y/n what day is it today?"

"What? Today is March 11th 2020, Penny, I called you but you and none of the team picked up what's going on?"

"H-hold on I have to go call a doctor or a nurse or something"

Before she left you saw tears start to pool in her eyes threatening to fall down, you didn't understand, was Spence hurt? Did something happen to your baby? What happened to the team why wasn't anybody picking up? So many question, so little answers. Once Penelope came back, the doctor walked in and greeted you,

"Oh wow uhm y/n, we're so glad you're awake right now, we didn't think you were going to wake, how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, what's going on, what do you mean not wake up?"

"Well y/n, you've been in a coma for a while now, its been a little over a year, but we are all happy to see that you've gotten better..."


A/N: I'm back baby lollll, I made this chapter short so I can make the other longer and make it better for y'all, I just finished highschool and I'm graduating this Monday aka the 21st of June, ugh thank god, now i can actually focus on this book before i have to start being a real adult, anyways,
-what are your predictions for the next chapter?
-What do you think Spence has been doing since y/n has been in a coma?
-What are your expectations most importantly?

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