New Start

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You walk yourself into the building of the BAU, bright and early just to make a good impression on your new boss, the unit chief of the BAU none other than Aaron Hotchner. You wait patiently for the elevator to reach your floor.


Finally, you step out of the elevator and take in that new smell, smelling of files, and coffee. You open the door immediately you're confused as to were you're supposed to be. You spot a very beautiful woman with blonde hair and make your way over to her.

"Uhm hi, hello uhm I'm new here and I was wondering if you could lead me to Aaron Hotchner's office please," you say still feeling puzzled

"Oh Hi, you must be Y/N, Hotch told us about you, uh yeah his office is just right their up those stairs"

You gave a small chuckle and said "Oh thank you, and your name is"

"My name is Jennifer Jareau, but my friends call me JJ"

" Well Jennifer-" she cut you off quickly and said

"Please call me JJ, and if you need anything I'll be here" you gave her a quick smile and continued,

"Well JJ, thank you so much, I'm sure it'll be a pleasure working alongside you", she smiled at you and you continued on your way to find your boss.

As you crossed the room you could feel multiple pairs of eyes on you, you ignored them regardless, you moved onto the stairs on crossed the small platform and knocked on Hotchner's door


"Come in!"
You open the door only peaking your head in
"Good morning sir" you say politely
"Oh yes Y/N, please come in"

You walked in and sat down in front of him, he extended his hand out to you for handshake, you sat down and made chit chat.
You were really liking your boss, he seemed very nice and couldn't wait to meet the rest of your team. Your chat came to an end and you both got up.

"Y/N, I'd like you to meet the rest of the team, let's head outside and I'll introduce you"

You gave him a smile and followed him as he opened the door and walked out.
Walking quickly behind him, he stops in front of JJ's desk and calls out to his team.

"Everyone I'd like you to meet Y/N"

You looked at everyone standing not so far away from you, you looked from left to right and spot some very attractive people.

" This is SSA Derek Morgan, Emily Prentiss, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, and this is out technical analyst Penelope Garcia"

You give them a huge smile, them returning it right back at you, they all seem to have lined up in order to welcome you, one by one they give you handshakes and welcomes. At the very end you spot a very gorgeous woman wearing heels and a pink outfit, she hugs you and begins to welcome you and even gives you a tour of the place.

You finally end up in what she calls her Bat Cave which was basically looked like a 7 year old girls room, but you didn't complain it was an amazing sight. You sit down next to her looking through files when you hear the door open dramatically.
A man walks in, long messed up hair, some facial hair, mix match socks, and converse.
You look back frightened by the sound of the door, he looks at you with a confused face and turns his eyes back to Penelope slowly.

"Uh hey Garcia, I didn't know you had company" as he looks at you scrunching up his nose...
"Hey boy genius, and yes WE have company, did Hotch not tell you, we got an addition to our team this is Y/F/N."
"Ohhh right yeah, pshh I knew that, uhm well welcome Y/N"
You gave him a warm smile as an awkward silence fell upon you, he quickly exited the room with no other words left to say.
You turn back around to Penelope, she was giving you a grin and did you dare ask why,

"What, why are you looking at me like that" you said sheepishly,
"Nothing, I was just thinking you know"
Your day was quickly coming to an end when you overheard Derek talking to Rossi about going out that night. You didn't mean to eavesdrop, you were just collecting your things ready to go home, and then you heard,

"Hey Y/N, you wanna go out with us tonight"

You quickly turned around to see who was talking and noticed Morgan and the rest of the team was there waiting

"It'll give us, and you, a chance to get to know each other better"

You were confused on why they would want to invite the new girl but didn't question it,

"Uhm yeah sure"
"Alright we're gonna go home and get ready, you can do the same if you'd like, and then we'll meet up at 9:30"
"Alright sound great guys thanks"

You all walk out and go your separate ways, you're in the parking lot and get in your car fast so that you have time to rest and get ready. As you pulled out into the street you noticed a familiar face standing at the bus stop looking down at their watch and quickly looking back up to look for the bus. You pull over and say

"Hey do you want a ride?"
"I'm okay thank you though"
"Are you sure, I know the bus doesn't arrive until the next hour or two"
He looks at you and then looks around him and then decides to hop into your car.
"Thank you, you really didn't have to though"
"I know but I wanted to make a good impression on my first day, you know uhm I didn't quite catch your name before, you weren't there when Hotch introduced me to the team"
"Oh uhm yeah I was running a bit late, my cars in the repair shop which is why I needed to take the bus, but uhm my names Reid"
He clears his throat and quickly says
"uhm Dr.Spencer Reid"
"Well Dr. Reid it's nice to make your acquaintance"
You gave him a smile, quickly placing your eyes on the road.
Tension filled the air and you had no words

"Uhm I wanted to apologize for early today when I quickly ran out of Garcia's room, I'm usually not like this, I usually have a lot to say and now I don't"

You gave a small chuckle

"I- i agree, I usually would have a lot of conversation topics but I'm completely stumped"

You came at a red light and turn your head to look at him, he had a book out and he turned his head to look at you, stopping his finger that was tracing the words, and he smiled at you.

Leaving a lingering sensation in your stomach...

Leaving a lingering sensation in your stomach

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