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A/N: THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHH FOR 2K, this means so much to me you guys have no idea 👏🏼✨🙏🏼🙏🏼, anyways I might realease a few more chapters and then I'm planning on starting a Aaron Hotchner x Reader book so stay tuned if you want to read that too!

Your phone begins to ring as soon as you closed your eyes, you pick up the phone and silently whisper into the phone,


"Hello Agent y/l/n, please wake Spencie up and tell him that he made the wrong choice in going to your house and telling you what I had explicitly told him not to say, oh and also remind him that there will be consequences to his actions, Goodbye now...."

"No you fucking listen to me, you've put this man through so much, so now I'm going to make a promise, I will move hell and earth to find Diana, she's going to be alive and well, and if I find a scratch on that poor woman, lord help me I will fucking kill you, you hear me I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

"Well than I guess you'll never find her..."

As soon as she hung up Spence started to shift on top of you,

"Who were you talking to?"

"Nobody it's fine Spence go back to sleep I have to go make a phone call, stay here"

You slide out from under him and make your way to your balcony, you leave the doors open just a little bit, and immediately call Aaron,


"Hotch I need your help"

"Yeah what's going?are you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine but it's about Spencer"

"What's going?"

"Catherine has been taking advantage of him, that partner she has on the outside, they took his mom and he's to stubborn to ask for help, he just told me but I know we can't do it on our own, we need the team"

"Oh alright, don't worry I'm with them right now, we just got to the bar either way, we'll meet you at the round table room"

"Alright I'm on my way..."
Spence was still asleep on the couch, he would be mad if he knew that you asked for help, but you were not going to let Diana get hurt. You quietly changed into black jeans and slide on some low top vans and grabbed your keys, you couldn't just leave him there also me so you wrote him a note laid a blanket over him and quietly made your way out the door.
Once you were finally at the BAU you ran up to where Hotch said they'd be, and there they were, trying to already figure out how to help.

"Hi everybody, sorry for ruining your evenings"

Penelope looks up at you and puts her hand on yours,

"Hey it's okay this is for Reid"

"Yeah we'd do anything for the kid" states Rossi,

"Thank you, all of you, uhm, well as all of you know Cat has a partner, that unsub has Diana Reid, Spencer's mom, we can not risk losing her, or- or else we lose our boy genius"

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