Tears Pt2

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RECAP:You gave her a smile and then realized it was about time for the team to head to the Jet, you give her a smile and one more hug, you both begin to walk over to the door, you open the door....

And Spencer was standing there with tears in his eyes and rolling down his cheeks, with the most heartbroken look on his face you'd ever seen...

"Reid, h-how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough...."





Tears start to form in your eyes, not knowing what to say or how to explain it to him,

"Spence I was going to tell you-..."
He immediately cuts you off,
"When? Y/N when were you going to let me know? After everybody else knew?"

From behind you, you hear Penny excuse herself,

"I uhm, I'm going to tell Sir Hotch that Reid is held up"

She walks out pushing past you and Spencer, you feel guilty for not telling him first, but you didn't know how to, you grab his hand and pull him out of the doorway, slowly shutting the door, before you know it, he wraps his long arms around you, you're surprised, you thought that he'd be furious at you, the smell of his cologne fills your lungs, and there you were again, safe in his arms, never wanting him to let go... ever.

He then asks the most dreadful question...

"W-was it mine?"

"What Spencer?"

"Y/N was it mine?" He asked again with a harsher tone.

You unwrap yourself from him, and quickly walk over to take a seat on Pennys chair, you look at him and say,

"Wh-why would you ask that Reid, of course it was yours, when we started to sleep together I wasn't sleeping with anybody else, I hope you did the same"

"i-I didn't sleep with anybody else, but why didn't you tell me about the baby Y/N?"

"Spence I was scared, I thought you were going to hate me for losing your child..."

You look down to the floor, the tears that were once held up in your eyes were not rolling down your cheeks, he kneels down to you and places his hands on your face, with his thumb he wipes away the tears, he gives you a small smile, before bringing your lips to his... 

"Y/N I could never hate you, or even blame you for something that wasn't your fault"

"Really? Spencer we lost our baby, a-and the doctors are not sure if I'll be able to carry another baby to term"

"Princess it's fine, there are other options ok, and plus as much as I hate to say this, a baby would have taken us away from work"

You agree with him, it was true, a baby would have made you a stay at home mom, which is something you didn't want right now, he stands up, grabbing your hands and lightly pulling you up making you stand as well, he places your hands around his neck as he bring his hands around your waist...

Emily burst through the door and says...

"Ohh hey sorry guys, uhm Reid, Hotch is letting you go home for the day, I told him you haven't been feeling well, so you two go, go home, rest, and then figure things out okay?"

Almost in unison, you both thank her, and she walks out the door yet again, you knew that emily knew about your small rendevous, so she would've probably profiled that Spence was the dad, so there was no need for an explanation to her, as a matter of fact, the team would've profiled everything already, but you didn't want to confirm anything, so you just kept quite, you kept hugging Spence, you really rather not let him go... ever, but Penny could walk in at any moment, so you say,

"Hey Spence, Penelope might walk in at any moment..."

"You're right, uhm we should go..."

As he lets go of you, you hear him sniffle, he quickly brings his hands to his eyes and cleans off the tears falling from his eyes, you feel broken, knowing that he was in pain as well, this, this is why you wanted to wait to tell him, you were both broken, you had just lost a little piece of both of you, and only god knows if you'll be able to have another, you wanted this man for ever, and he had made it clear he did too...

A/N: sorry this is such a shitty and short chapter, there will be SMUT soon, I've just been held up with school work and such, but do not worry, next chapter will be FIREEEE!

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