A Friend pt.1

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Recap: You tried so hard to keep things casual, how is he all right with just being friends, you wanted more with him but you didn't know if he wanted the same, in hopes that he would one day change his mind it's all worth just keeping things casual...

You woke up laying on Spencer on the couch, I guess you both just passed out last night, mind you, it was a workday, and it was already 5: 20 am and you had to be at work at 6 am. You tried to slowly climb off of Spencer's chest without waking him, success,

You manage to climb off of him, gather your things, making sure that you wear pants, but you couldn't find your skirt, nor your underwear which is now the second time Spencer took them away from you. So if he was going to steal your undergarments you were going to teal his clothes.

You decided to keep on the grey sweater he had handed to you and you go into his room and look through his dresser for those sweats.

You had successfully managed to find his sweats and make your way out of his apartment and into your car, you had to drive to your apartment, get into the shower, get changed and get to work, and you did not want to get in late...





You walk out of the elevator, checking your phone that read 6:28 , shit you were late, you walk past the glass doors, and you can feel everyone's eyes on you, trying to ignore it you look at the ground and continue to walk to your desk, out of the corner of your eyes you see that Spencer is already hard at work, you weren' t even going to question how he got to work earlier than you.

You set your stuff down, and you head over to make yourself a coffee, still not being able to walk correctly from last night, so you were still a little weak in the knees.

But of course the one and only Derek Morgan noticed your little walk and he got up and made his way over to you..

" You good Y/N?"

You look over to him and say

" Mmm? Oh uhm yeah, uhh why do you ask?"

"Well, I noticed that your walk was a little funky, you seem more tense than usual, your gripping on to the table so hard your knuckles are white and well I am a profiler and I can tell when something up. So what's up pretty mama what' s going on"

Damn it, this is why you stay sitting at your desk, you' re basically surrounded by profiler's, they will sooner or later find out about what' s going on, but it's better that they just never find out,

You take in a deep breath and let it out and say,

"I-I'm fine Derek, it's nothing really"

As you say that, Ms.Penelope Garcia walks into the room, searching the room until her eyes finally land on you, she starts walking over to you and hugs you,

" Hey Y/N, you're finally here, you look... different"

She takes a step back and tilts her head to the side, she starts sniffing as if she were looking for something until she finally said,

" OMG, you had sex! How did I not notice before, I am losing my sixth sense!"

Before she continued you cut her off,

"Penelope shhhh! I don't want the whole office to know I got laid"

Almost in unison both Derek and Penelope said,

"So you did get laid!"

Spencer whipped his head around and his eyes widened looking at you, you turn to look back at the two very loud and nosy people in front of you,

"Guyssss can you shhh please"

"Omg Y/N was it like a one night stand or do you have a boyfriend?"
Derek asked enthusiastically

You refused to answer the question, and Garcia took it upon herself to answer it for you ,

"Omg it is she has a boyfriend, Omg how cute, what's his name?, how old is he? Where does he work?"

You interrupt her, grab her arm gently and say,

"I don't have a boyfriend, believe me, if I did you'd be the first to know okay babe"

And with that you walk away, passing near Spencer's desk, you would've expected him to say something about what he overheard but he didn't, he just kept reading over the files, not making any eye contact with you, honestly it felt like he was just trying to ignore you for some reason...
You were finally leaving after finishing up on your work, you hadn't talked to Spencer, it just felt so empty without listening to his random little facts. Maybe he'd text you, or you could text him, but what if he didn't want to talk, what did you do wrong?
He had already left, he had taken the bus because you were still working, but fuck it you decided to call him instead...

The phone rings
"Hey Spencer, are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm fine Y/N, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well Uhm you ignored me the whole day today, did I do something wrong? Are you mad?"
"Look Y/N, yes I'm mad because today you left without warning me or even leaving a note or even sending me a text, I thought something had happened when you came in late to work too"
"Spence I-I'm sorry, I didn't think you would care"
"Well I do care okay Y/N, I care a lot about you, but you make it seem like you could give two shits about me"
"Spence I'm sorry I do care about you, but I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, can you relax please"
There was finally a moment of silence, you didn't quite understand why he was so mad and overprotective out of the no where, you had finally gotten to your car, still waiting for something to break the silence, so you step up and say,

"Oh uhm I-"

Your words were cut off by the sound of crying on the other side, it was very faint but you could still hear it,

"Spence are you okay?"

"I'm okay Y/N I have to go"

"No Spence I'm coming over, just let me go home and get changed and I'll be at your place in a few alright"

" mmm fine"
And with that you hung up, you tried to make it to your house quickly, you changed into Spencer's sweats and a tank top and left again, you didn't want to leave him alone, especially right now that he was crying.
You made your way over to his house, quickly getting out of your car, and running to his apartment door, you knocked on the door a couple times until he finally opened, he reeked of alcohol,

"Spencer what's going on, wh-why are you drinking"

He had a bottle of tequila in his hands, you snatched it out of his hands, and made your way into his apartment, quickly placing the bottle on the table, you turn back to look at Spencer and he was still standing by the door. He looked so heartbroken, you walked up to him and grabbed his hands,

"Spence, hey look at me, it's me, you can talk to me"
He let go of your hands and immediately wrapped his arms around you,

"Thank you for being here, I just wanna hug, I need your hugs, your hugs are the best"

You couldn't help but smile, he released you and you pulled him onto the couch,

"Spence what's going on?"

He looks so defeated,

He slowly looks at you and says

"It's, it's my mom"...

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