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Recap: What did he mean? Why'd he kiss you, why would he say those things to you at the shop and then just completely shut it down? You were mad, confused, frustrated, and all because you ran into your best friend/prom date...

It has been a few days now since the night you and Spencer kissed, the team was out of state on a very awkward case. A BDSM serial killer, you continuously tried asking Garcia questions, but there was no need, Rossi, and Spencer to the rescue, it really made you wonder how they knew so much, but you didn't really feel like asking... at least not yet




You guys were finally headed home, after almost a week out of state, 

Coming up to your floor, the elevator was quiet, everybody was tired, exhausted and just wanted to finish the reports and head home, not gonna lie, so did you. The elevator door opened and you were greeted with a very ecstatic Penelope Garcia, quickly hugging her way through the group starting with you, you smile and hug her back, she finally finishes and steps back and says

"I am so glad you guys are safe!"

You all give her a warm smile and make your way through the glass doors, each to your desks to finish reports that each of you had already started on the jet. 

After a couple of minutes, you get tired of sitting down and decide to stand up stretch, and head for a cup of coffee, not realizing that Spencer was right behind you, you set the coffee pot up, and wait for it to be ready, slightly leaning on the counter, you smile awkwardly at Spencer trying to fill in the tension in the air, Rossi walks in, thank god,

" Hey what's up kiddo's, what are we talking about ?"

You stare at the floor with a blank expression, trying to avoid eye contact with Spencer, he notices and answers Rossi

"Uhm we just walked in here to get coffee"

"Oh uhm, alright then, make sure you put enough for me alright"

You give a smile, still looking at the floor, and then as Rossi was about to leave you quickly look up and ask

"Uhm hey Rossi, h- how did you know so much about this case"

"Well kid I did a lot of experimentation back in my days"

"Oh, college"

He smiles, turns back around, turns his head to you, and says 

"Nope Highschool"

Your mind was blown and your jaw dropped, Spencer looked at you and chuckled, you looked over at Spencer and you knew he was trying to avoid eye contact with you

"Hey Spencer," you say still trying to get ahold of him, and moving your head so that it's in his peripheral vision

"Spencer, how did you know so much about BDSM hmm?"

He looked at you, eyes widened, he stood quiet for a few seconds and just said

"Well, uhm, I-I'm Mr. Know-it-all right, I have to know everything"

"Hmm, interesting," You say, quickly pulling a him on him, he finally gets a taste of his own medicine you thought,

"What? Why is that interesting Y/N"

You shrug your shoulder and say "It just is"

You saw him clench his fist, making his veins pop out, even more, boy did Spencer look hot right now, he noticed you looking at his hands, and you quickly cleared your throat, he looks at his hands, and steps closer to you, and whispers...

"Don't tempt me Y/N"

He steps back, and you slowly breathe out the air you were holding back in your lungs, and again...


God damn it, not again, why does Spencer keep doing this, it's always you holding back, you were just so sexually frustrated, you pour yourself a cup of coffee and quickly rush over to your desk, Derek looks at you concerned but decided to not intervene. You sat down and decided to continue working and ignoring what just had happened, everybody had already started to leave and you were just packing your stuff, when you feel someone lean on your desk slightly, you look up and of course, it's Spencer...

"Hey Uhm, C-can I ride with you today, I haven't been able to check out my car at the repair shop"

"Uh yeah sure", you say quickly regretting your decision, you needed a few days off, from work, from Spencer, he really has a way with words and you had to learn to not react.





You were finally on the road, it felt so quiet, after all, you decided not to play any music in the car today, even though things felt awkward, you had to remember he was still your friend. Finally, he broke the silence,

"So I saw you were really interested with this case, anything specific at all?"He said raising his eyebrows

You didn't really know what to say but you say,

"why is that even a question, genius"

"Because I want to hear you say it, tell me that you find it interesting"

"Let me get this clear you want me to tell you that I have an interest in BDSM"

"Yes, because I know you do"

"Oh yeah? what's it to you"

"I can teach you," he says slowly placing his warm hand on your thigh

You were frozen you didn't know what to say, do you accept his offer and possibly ruin your friendship, or just decide to resist... you chose the latter, although you really did want to be in bed with him, you did not want to ruin your friendship, 

You were still quiet, Spencer slowly started to raise his hand higher and higher up your thigh, you didn't resist, you just let it happen, he went higher and higher, unzipping your pants, putting his hand over your panties, you can see him lick his lips, you were trying to drive, but deep down inside you didn't want him to stop, he finally put his fingers over your clit, slowly rubbing his fingertips over you, you gasp and try not to close your eyes...

"Spe- Spencerrrr"

He finally slipped his fingers inside of you, he knew what he was doing, he was already driving you to the edge, just a little longer...

and he stops, he grabs a tissue from his bag and places it back into his bag, because oh so sweet Spencer Reid does not pollute the earth.

You drop your jaw, now you were mad, you were furious, why does he keep doing this to you...

"Spencer? Really? "

 You finally reached his house and said 

"Get out."

He looks at you in disbelief, 

"Spencer I'm serious get out, I gotta go home and finish something you started or else i-"

"Come inside Y/N"

"What, no Spencer, get out of my car I have to go home now, I am not spending the rest of my time here, I am being serious"

He looked at you, mad, but not as mad as you, he got out of the car and you immediately drove away, hoping that you could actually finish the job when you got home. So he wants to play that game, fine, but you can play it even better, he really doesn't know what he got himself into, as you are the queen of teasing, he is going to beg you to fuck him...

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