New Experience

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Recap: You're in his apartment, but for what reason, you decided to stay quiet and not piss him off anymore than he already was.

He walks over to his bedroom, still holding you over his shoulder,
He throws you onto the bed and finally says

"Now I'm going to finish what you started"

You weren't scared, or nervous, you were just excited to see what was going to happen, he begins to pull out rope from a small chest at the corner of his room, now you were confused, he tells you

"Get undressed now, and lay in the middle of the bed with your legs and hands spread out"

You didn't hesitate you did what he said, once you untied your dress, you folded it and laid it on the nightstand, unsure if he wanted you to take off your panties you leave them on, he turned to look at you and his eyes widened at the color of your panties, he walks over to you and says

"Give them to me"

You drop them for your waist and hand them to him, as he walks away you place yourself in the middle of the bed, hands spread out, but your legs, well not really, he comes back and starts tying your hand to the headboard, he was doing everything rather fast, he knew what he was doing, you'd thought you would never really see a side to spencer like this, he looked so confident with himself, he didn't look shy, he just seemed really really horny.

Finally he heads to the bottom of the bed, noticing that your legs are pressed together, he grabs your ankles and says

"Well well let's see what we have here"

He spread your legs open, giving him a clear view, he licks his lips and smirks, he starts tieing your ankles to the bed, when he finishes he leaves wet sloppy kisses all over you, he really knew how to turn you on, you were so ready to beg for him, but still you resisted.

He walks towards the head of the bed and puts on a blindfold over your eyes, no words escaped from his lips, just silence...
About a couple minutes passed, you started feeling conscious about the way you were just laid out for him, unable to move, what if h-

Your thoughts were cut off by the vibrating feeling between your legs

You gasp, not knowing what to say or do, but you didn't want to think right now, everything just felt so good, you can't see anything, all you can feel is Spencer at the foot of the bed, placing with a vibrator on your clit, like if you were his toy, and then suddenly...

You felt something press on your entrance, could it be?! Was it really him, it had to be, it couldn't be his fingers, it was really big an-


He finally slipped himself inside of you

You start to squirm, whatever Spencer was doing to you he was doing it right, he chuckled at you, did it amuse him, seeing you squirm and not being able to move.
He begins to thrust his hips into you carelessly, his strokes were unexplainable, he had a gentle touch but he was so rough and you liked it, maybe a little too much, once you were finally about to orgasm, he stops, he pulls out, leans into your ear and whispers

"Tell me you want more and I'll give it to you"

"Fuc- Spencer please I am so wet"

"Please what Y/N"

"Spence just fuck me"

"You don't give orders here, I do, I want to hear you beg me to fuck you"

He started to press himself along your entrance, and then lightly rubbing your clit making you squirm even more causing the ropes to tighten around your arms and legs

"Fuck Please Dr. Reid, please just fuck me, I need you inside of me please!"

"Now that's more like it Y/N"

He finally begins to thrust into you, the louder you moaned the harder he pushed himself into you, the way he moaned into your ear was so sexy, he held your hands down with his, he let you finish twice until he finally released himself inside of you...

He plopped on the bed beside you, allowing himself to breathe for a second and then quickly getting up to releasing you from the ropes, once he finished he let you get under the covers while he ran into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. He walked back into the bedroom having drank half the cold water bottle, and then handing the rest to you. What a night, is this finally what you wanted, is this all you wanted, just sex? or maybe? No, but maybe .
He grabbed his boxers and placed them on himself while quickly grabbing a long T-shirt from his drawer and passing it over to you...

"Spencer you want me to wear this?!"

"Uhm well yeah, I mean unless you're thinking of sleeping in your dress or thinking of sleeping naked, which I have no problem with"

You smile at him and decide to quickly just put on the shirt, once he lays back down, you both seem to be staring at the ceiling, and then you ask,

"So uhm, I have to ask, was that uhm, wa-was that BDSM?!"

"Y/N, that wasn't even the beginning of it, that was just a sliver of the kind of pleasure I can give you"
You thought to yourself, wow, but how, you had literally came twice in one night and he had finished after you, being tied up really turned you on, maybe it is something you were interested in...
"Spence, I want you to teach me, I really do"

He looks over at you with his eyebrows lifted and says

"I can show you, but are you sure you want that?

"Yes Spencer I am sure, I really enjoyed tonight, and if it can bring me more pleasure, well than game on right."
He smiled at you and then turned his head back to the ceiling, you were getting really sleepy, you turn your body away from Spencer's suddenly feeling really cold, when you feel a hand wrap around your waist bringing your body into his, he puts his head in your neck and says
"Come here you"
You smile at his words and at his breath that was running down your neck, you felt safe, like nothing could ever happen, he didn't move his head, he simply just fell asleep,

That feeling that you're feeling, yeah that's called love, but you're not sure if he felt it, and if this was just casual sex why ruin it with the one dreadful question of "What are we?" You just wanted this to last as long as possible, no thinking involved, it was just you and Spencer right here right now, in each other's arms.

You started to finally start to sleep, relaxing your muscles, your breath slowing down, when suddenly you feel a tight squeeze around your body and a warm kiss on your cheek, yeah that's love...

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