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WARNING! Mentions of abortion! READ WITH CAUTION

RECAP: You open up the boxes containing the tests and pee on the sticks and wrap them up in toilet paper and then hand them to her,

"Here Em, I already know what they're going to be"

She grabs them and places them on the sink while you clean yourself up and walk out of the stall, after 5 minutes pass she unwraps the tests,

*gasp* "oh my god Y/n, the tests are..."

"Positive!, all three of them are positive"

You turn around looking at her with complete fear in your eyes...

"i-i what?!, no there is no way, Em please tell me that you're joking "

"No y/n im not joking, look"

She holds up the pregnancy tests, and she wasn't lying to you, you were in fact pregnant, and the worst part about it, Spence and you are no longer together, does he still love you, would he want to raise a kid together. Right now you have to think about what could possibly be a kid inside of you...

"i- I have to go get checked out, Em this can't be happening to me right now..."

"Everything is going to be fine y/n, I can go with you if that's what you want, a-are you planning on telling Reid anytime soon?"

"Thank you Em, I think I'm just going to keep this information to myself, until its time to actually tell him, but at the same time I don't know if he wants a kid right now, so I kinda have to tell him don't I?"

"It depends y/n some woman have morning sickness throughout all of their pregnancy, so I'm not quite sure if there is any time for, you know an abortion if that's a choice you're willing to take"

"I don't know Em, I lost a baby once, I don't want to lose one again, so if Spence doesn't want to step up then I'll be fine..."

"Oh sweetheart", She opened her arms up to you and hugged you tight,

"I am going to be here for you every step of the way ok, and if you want to ask JJ for help, don't hesitate, she's had 2 kids so I'm pretty sure she'll know more than I do..."

"Thank Em, that means a lot to me..."





After work time jump

You were now at home, you changed into some grey sweats and a white shirt that had a tight fit so you wore it without a bra quickly noticing that your nipples were more erect than usual, you start to call on your phone desperately trying to get an appointment with your doctor, you needed an ultrasound ASAP, you stand in front of the mirror pulling up your shirt and start running your hand up and down your stomach, noticing that there was an actual growing bump.


Youre startled by the loud knock coming from your outside your door,

"Who is it?"

"Hey u-uhm its me Spencer, I just came to drop off your stuff that you asked for..."

"Oh uhm yeah hold on"

You quickly pull your shirt down and open the door, you see Spence standing there with his head hanging low and holding a box full of anything you ever left at his place,

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