A Night Out Pt.2

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Recap:You hear honking coming from outside and it's Morgan and Spencer waiting for you to come outside. You grab your phone and a small handbag, you step outside and lock up, as you turn to walk to the car, you look up and see Spencer sitting in the passengers seat looking at you with an awe expression on his face

You smile at him and look back down quickly feeling conscious about the way you look. Derek turns to look at you and his jaw drops, in hopes that his expression meant something good, you open the car door and sit behind Spencer.

Derek looks back at you, eyeing you up and down and says

"Damn girl, you clean up nice"

You give him a warm smile, lean into his direction and whisper to him

"You do too Derek"

You immediatly move a seat over to sit in the middle , between the guys but right behind them. Spencer turns his head gives you a quick look, clears his throat and says

*cough cough*"Yeah I'd have to agree, you do look really beautiful Y/N"

You heart began to flutter, unsure of what to say, quick think of something!

You gently put your hand on his shoulder, and shakily clear your throat as well,

"Thanks Spencer, you look really handsome tonight"

As he hears your compliment you can hear how difficult it is for him to swallow the saliva swelling in his mouth. You give a small yet quite giggle and then slide back to your seat, buckle up as Derek turns on the car, and you're on your way...





You finally pull up to what seems to be a club, you see the rest of the team, of course the very stunning ladies along with David Rossi. Derek parks the car in front right next to the entrance, and Spencer rushes out of the car and opens your door. He hands you his hand in order to help you get down, you look at him and smile,

"Thank you Spencer, what a gentlemen"

He just smiles at you and looks you up and down again, still trying to be respectful he drops his head. You finally step out of the car and Spencer closes the door, noticing that he was still holding your hand you turn to look at him, but he's paying attention to something else, a shiver ran down your spine. Should you let go? Keep your hand with his, crap now your hand is getting sweaty, you notice Penelope eyeing you and raising her eyebrows. You finally decide to let go, his hand drops to his side and he looks at you, you noticed how awkward he felt, he slowly leaned towards your direction and whispers,

"Sorry I completly blanked out"

You answer with,

"It's okay, it happens" and shrugged to let him know that it wasn't a big deal, but for some reason, deep down inside, it felt like a big deal, like if you were an incomplete puzzle and he was the missing piece, it felt like you knew him, but you couldn't quite place him, like if you had met before, his presence felt familiar.

You shrugged off the feeling, and followed the team inside quickly taking your seats at a large booth, you took your seat next Derek, Spencer following quickly after you. Wow Derek on your right, and Spencer on your left. You hear Penelope order the first round of shots,

"HEYY! Round of  vodka for me and my friends"

Vodka, Oh lord, it was going to be one of those nights, you just have to limit yourself, because enough vodka in your system will turn you into someone else.
You text Penelope under the table....

"Hey Penelope, can you order me something a little lighter than vodka"
"Uhm, sure Y/N, can I ask why?"
"It's just that I don't want to turn into drunken mess on my first night out with you guys"
"Mm sure understable.Don't worry I'lol slip out and go order you a martini or something"
"Thanks Penny 💖"
As soon as you look up you set your eyes on Penelope who had already indeed slipped out.
Everyone is talking about the little things that happened during cases, that's until Rossi turns to you and says

"Hey Y/N, why don't you tell us something about yourself, after all, we're here to get to know you"

You were put in the hot seat, you didn't even know where to begin...

"Well uhm, where do I start, well I am the middle child in my family, I am the only FBI agent, my sisters became doctors after my dad but that's not something I wanted to pursue, uhmmm what else I'm not really great at this"
You gave a small smile but your team seemed really interested in you, and then Emily asked,

"Where high school did you go to? Where did you grow up?"
You responded with,
"Oh that's easy, I was born and raised in Las Vegas, and I went to this high school called West Career and Technical Academy"
Spencer turns his head to you in disbelief with his eyes widened, you turn to look at him and ask
"What's wrong Spencer?" And he says
"I- I went to West Career and Technically Academy"
The rest of the team look confused, they try to figure things out and then JJ says
"Well that could just be a coincidence right?"
You all stay silent, in disbelief, until Derek says,

"I can't believe Garcia is missing this, boy is she gonna be confused, by the way Y/N & Spencer, how old are you two?"
"27" you both say in unison
You turn to Spencer, and ask
"What year did you graduate?"
He says, "1993, and you?"
"Same 1993"
Rossi then says
"So you grew up in the same state, went to the same highschool, and graduated the same year, and you're telling me you guys don't recognize each other?"

You were confused, maybe that's why he felt so familiar, maybe that's why you wanted him around, but now you have to think back, did you meet Spencer in highschool?
And then suddenly it pops into your head without a warning and you blurt it out


Spencer had been staring at his hands trying to figure it out as well, and he had heard you and his eyes went wide again. He finally remembered, he did meet you.

JJ then interfered "wait you didn't keep in contact with your high school best friend?"

Spencer turned to look at you, his eyes had softened and he give you a huge smile, he then proceeded to hug you, he felt so warm, and his cologne lingered in your nose, he says

"I do remember you, you helped me get through high school, you were my only friend"

You put your head deeper into his chest, he still didn't let you go from his arms. Penelope finally comes back with all of your drinks and looks at you and Spencer hugging, and she gasps,

"Wha- what'd I miss, awww man"
She placed the tray down on the table, startling you as you finally began to let go of Spencer, but he give you one last tight squeeze as he let you go, you look down and fix your dress, and as soon as you look up you see Spencer looking at you ...

"Wha- what'd I miss, awww man"She placed the tray down on the table, startling you as you finally began to let go of Spencer, but he give you one last tight squeeze as he let you go, you look down and fix your dress, and as soon as you look up you...

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A/N : chapters that I put out on weekdays might be a bit smaller because I have school, anyways Enjoy!

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