Trigger Warnings: None?
ೃ⁀➷Two children, around the age of 8, ran out of a small cottage, giggling. An older boy followed the two, a guitar in hand and a sad smile plastered on his face.
"Hurry up Will!" The blonde child laughed, running off towards are a large flower field with his friend following. "Okay, okay, calm down you two." The eldest laughed, picking up his pace.
"Oh my god, Tommy there's a bee!" The younger brunette gasped, pointing to the small creature as he jumped up and down in excitement. Tommy rolled his eyes, smiling. "Come on Tubs, we see bees here all the time." The boy giggled, causing the other to pout.
"Stop being such a lemon boy." The bee-lover pouted. The blonde huffed at the nickname, crossing his arms.
"If I'm a lemon you're a lime." 'Mr. Lemonboy' spoke sarcastically. "Wha-" The other started in confusion, only to be cut off when a guitar started playing.
The two boys instantly knew what it was and ran over to a large rock that sat alone in the middle of the field. On that rock sat Wilbur, strumming his guitar and humming a tune contently.
The youngens exchanged a quick grin before sitting on the grass infront of the rock, looking up at Wilbur. Wilbur smiled at this and began singing quietly to the two.
"There once was a bittersweet man and they called him lemonboy~" The teen sang teasingly, causing a certain blonde to make an offended expression.
The three of them laughed along with eachother, Wilbur putting down his guitar.
The eldest of the three proceeded to lay down on the grass, staring up at the clear sky as the sun began to set over the trees.
The other boysstared at him for a moment before smiling and laying either side of their older brother (well, Tubbo's brother figure). The two eight year olds cuddled close to the male, said male wrapping his arms around them.
The three laid there in a comfortable silence, watching the beautiful sunset over the tress. The younger two began to slowly nod off while the older stayed awake, running his hands through their hair as he hummed softly...
This time the two children had a sharp rock in their hand, stood infront of an oak tree with their heads tilted.
"Hmmmmmm." The boys hummed in unison, narrowing their eyes at the tree.
"Seems good." The younger finally spoke. The older nodded in agreement.
And with that the blonde stepped forward, using the sharp stone to engrave something into the large oak tree.
When he stepped back to look at his work, he smiled. The brunette just simply stared at it, head still tilted.
"It's just my name, Tubbo." The blonde giggled. "Oh! Rightttt." Tubbo laughed, walking over to the tree.
Tubbo engraved a "+" under his friends name and then wrote his own name underneath.
The two smiled at eachother, "This is now our tree!"
"Tubbo! Tommy!" A familiar musician's voice yelled from the other room. "Huh?" The two looked at eachother before getting up and exiting their room.
"What is it Wilby?" Tommy asked, Tubbo nodding in agreement with the question.
Wilbur grinned, pulling out two objects from behind his back. "I got you a present!"
The two gasped, both instantly grabbing the objects. What were the objects? They were bandanas. Tommy had grabbed the green one and Tubbo had grabbed the red one. "They are so cool!" Tubbo smiled widely. "Yeah! Now we match!" Tommy agreed.
"Tommy, come here a sec." Wilbur hummed with a smile, holding out his hand for the bandana, causing him to tilt his head in confusion. The boy gave him the bandana anyway and Wilbur grabbed him, making him face away from him. "Wha-?"
The teen began to tie the green bandana around the boy's neck, not too tight obviously though. "There!" He smiled and ruffled his little brother's hair, causing him to grin.
Tubbo stared in amazement before grinning, "Me next!" He yelled in excitement, holding out his bandana for Wilbur to take.
Muffled screaming and yelling could be heard from a certain Blonde's bedroom. More accurately, the wardrobe. Wilbur and Techno laughed violently as they leaned against the wardrobe doors, keeping Wilbur's brother inside the small space.
"You know what you need to do." Techno huffed with a slight laugh. Wilbur smirked, waiting for the screaming to stop.
"FUCK YOU!" The child yelled from inside the wardrobe. The two boys holding the door exchanged a nervous glance. "Who taught him that?!" Wilbur whispered to Techno, earning a frantic shrug in response.
Eventually Tommy stopped screaming and yelling, waiting patiently with a scowl on his face.
The two older male's let go of the doors, opening them up.
Tommy simply glared at the two, sulking.
This caused the other's to laugh.
"Stop being so loud then, you knew what would happen." Wilbur smirked.
"I'll tell dad!" Tommy frowned. Both Wilbur and Tommy paused, looking at each other.
Tommy sat on the bench by himself. The bench that was made out of "his and Tubbo's" tree. The teen had a sad smile on his face, hugging his knees tightly as tears threatened to fall from his ocean eyes.
God did he miss those days...
882 Words
I made up a few headcannons so I thought, why not write about them? :) Okay I swear I will finish part two of LARFH now! I think, I definitely have started it, it just needs finishing lmao.
Also the whole wardrobe thing is meant to be how he got claustrophobia but this is meant to be good times so let's ignore that. -Noi

[ TommyInnit One-Shots ]
Fanfiction- Just my random book of TommyInnit oneshots! I mostly write angst, but occasionally I'll write some fluff even if I'm not that good at it. ~ Feel free to leave suggestions for future oneshots too, sometimes it's hard thinking of things to write.