Trigger Warnings: Character death, violence, manipulation/gaslighting, panic attacks.
The teen's breath hitched, attempting to sit himself up again but to no avail. His breath quickened and tears formed in his eyes, causing the ghost beside him to panic.
"T-Tommy, it's going to be okay, don't worry!" He attempted to reassure him. Ghostbur used a lit of strength and sat Tommy up, pulling him into a cold hug. "It's going to be okay..." He whispered more calmly, rubbing the youngers back.
The blonde slowly began to relax, clutching onto Ghostbur as he cried. "I-It hurts..." He choked out as he attempted to wrap his wings around himself, only crying harder when he remembered they weren't there anymore.
Ghostbur took a deep breath, a concerned look in his eyes. "I'm gonna get you out of here, Toms. Let's find uh-" He thought for a moment before perking up. "Let's find Phil!" He gently let go of Tommy, smiling sadly, looking a bit exhausted from age amount of strength it took to hug him.
A voice arose from behind the ghost, "I can't let you do that..." The voice growled. Before the two could even comprehend what was happening, the owner of the voice poured a bucket of water over Ghostbur. The ghost screamed in agony, slowly beginning to melt away. "GHOSTBUR! NO, PLEASE- PLEASE DONT GO-" The child panicked, looking around for something that could help him.
Until he spotted who caused this mess in the first place. His beloved Dream. His bestfriend. Tommy looked absolutely terrified, shuffling away from him as well as Ghostbur.
Ghostbur reluctantly turned his head to Dream. "W-Why...?" He cried before squeezing his eyes shut in pain.
"Because I can't let Tommy leave here." He responded with a hum, as if everything was just fine.
"Tommy, come back here will you? You know that what I did had to be done. I've been nothing but kind to you! And you're just gonna betray me and run away?!"
Ghostbur's eyes widened at the green mans words, and so did Tommy's. "T-TOMMY JUST RUN! I'LL BE O-O-OKAY!" The spirit yelled, choking on his own blue blood as he spoke. Tommy shook his head frantically in response, not being able to talk because he was so scared.
Dream growled under his breath, making his way over to Tommy. He soon stopped when the pesky ghost grabbed his leg. "Y-You're the one who did this to him, aren't you...?" He whispered sadly, coughing.
Dream smirked under his mask. "Not so dumb and naive after all, huh?" He chuckled lightly, kicking the spirit. Ghostbur winced, clutching his non-existent stomach. "T- Tommy... Run..." He choked out.
Tommy was visibly shaking as he watched Dream pull out another water bucket. "PLEASE DON'T!" Tommy pleaded, tears rolling down his face.
The man, to no ones surprise, didn't listen. He poured the bucket over Ghostbur. Ghostbur's screams echoed through the land as he finally disintegrated into nothing but a stain of blue blood that the tide would most likely wash away by morning.
The blonde's breath hitched as he quickly pulled himself up, his fists clenched. "YOU FUCKING MONSTER." He screamed, sobbing.
"Tommy, I did what had to be done... He didn't really care about you anyway. He was simply using you as an excuse to see Philza." He sighed, still keeping up the facade, "I'm your only true friend." He sounded genuinely upset, slowly making his way towards Tommy.
The child contemplated. He shook his head before quickly pulling himself off and just running. Running off into the night like he was about to die. Which, honestly, he might. He didn't know if he was even allowed to leave Logstedshire at this point.
The screams behind him worried him, but there was so much adrenaline running through his veins that he just ignored it for the most part.
He could no longer hear the green bastards yelling anymore. All that could be heard were the sounds of birds chirping as the sun rose up above the snowy mountains. There was snow everywhere in fact, safe to say he was definitely cold and shivering violently.
However he couldn't go on for much longer. His body was numb and he was struggling to breathe because of all of the running he had done. If only he had kept running, then maybe he wouldn't be so cold and he wouldn't be in this mess.
"Tommy-?" A confused mans voice called out from behind him. The voice was somewhat comforting.
Tommy slowly turned around, causing the male to gasp quietly. "Tommy, what the fuck happened to you? Are you alright?" The man walked over to Tommy, wrapping his large wings around him to give him some sort of warmth.
The child leaned into the touch, still shaking a lot. But something told the other it wasn't just because of the cold.
"Please don't let him take me back, Phil..." The teen whispered, his voice raspy like he had been crying.
Phil was concerned about that sentence to say the least. "Come on, I'll take you to Techno's house."
Tommy shook his head, tensing up. "W-We need to go back for Ghostbur! We need to find him!" The boy was still in denial about what he witnessed prior to seeing Phil.
Phil sighed, shaking his head. "We can look for him later, you're gonna freeze to death mate."
The teen's lip quivered as he nodded. Tears formed in his eyes again as he walked with his father through the snowy biome, the wings wrapped around him giving him a lot of comfort, as he did that with his own wings when he was upset.
He would probably wait to tell Phil about his wings. For now, he'll let him believe they are simply tucked under his hoodie. Luckily enough there was no blood on it though. Or so he thought.
975 Words
It hurts even more now that Ghostbur is actually dead ;( -Noi

[ TommyInnit One-Shots ]
Fanfiction- Just my random book of TommyInnit oneshots! I mostly write angst, but occasionally I'll write some fluff even if I'm not that good at it. ~ Feel free to leave suggestions for future oneshots too, sometimes it's hard thinking of things to write.