Trigger Warnings: High expectations?
A sudden bright light was all the boy could see as he opened his eyes. He seemed rather... confused. And rightfully so.
The boy seemed to be around the age of 6.
The mysterious child slowly sat up from his- bed, and looked around the room he was in. He was slightly alarmed now.
The room was fully white, the floor, walls, ceiling, ect. The only things that really stuck out were his bed, the door, and a mirror that sat against the wall opposite him.
The child straight away got up, stumbling a little, and walked over to the mirror.
He looked at his reflection in almost a disgusted scowl. He seemed like a regular human, however, he sure didn't seem to have the life of one. He didn't remember much about himself or where he was, although he knew many other things, not a lot, but quite a few.
The boy was about to go and explore the room he was in until he noticed three letters on the 'uniform' he was wearing. He narrowed his eyes at the mirror, trying to figure out what it said. "P... B- P." He mumbled to himself. He then tilted his head in thought. "What could that mean?"
"Ah, glad to see you're awake 7-0-M."
The blonde boy jumped at the sudden, glitched voice. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked around frantically. He was a literal kid, what do you expect?The faint sound of footsteps could be heard from somewhere outside the door, causing the kid to move away from it as far as he could.
'7-0-M' flinched as the door opened, revealing a woman dressed in some sort of lab/doctors attire. The woman smiled sweetly at the child, a patient smile, "Hello sweetie."
70M relaxed slightly as he saw that the she didn't seem to be a threat, taking a small step forward, still seemingly on edge.
The doctor examined the child for a moment before she proceeded to pull out a small notepad and write something down.
"Would you mind coming with me?" She hummed with her regular soft smile.
The boy hesitate but eventually nodded, slowly making his way over to the doctor. Said doctor held out her hand for him to take, which he took with much hesitance.
As the two walked hand-in-hand, 70M was gradually becoming more comfortable with the whole situation, becoming more confident. Although, that may have been a bad thing.
70M was sat on the ground with his doctor, who he soon found out name's was Kacey. He must admit, it was a nice name. Much better than his at least!
"Miss Kacey?" The child hummed with a tilted head.
The woman smiled, nodding for him to go on.
"Why is my name 7-0-M? I don't really like it." He huffed, pouting.
Kacey tapped her chin with her pen. "It's just a code really, we could give you a nickname though?" She suggested with a grin.
70M nodded eagerly, bouncing in excitement. "Yeah, yeah! But what name?"
"Tom?" She spoke without thinking. She quickly shook her head, "Since 7, 0, M kind of looks like it spells Tom?" She continued.
70M thought for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek as he narrowed his eyes at the ground. "I like Tommy better!" He giggled, looking up at his only friend.
"That's a lovely name! From now on, your name is Tommy then." The doctor spoke with a slight laugh at the end.
"He isn't good enough, Kacey! He's not- Well- Perfect!"
"____, he is! I swear! He's perfectly fine! He just needs help, I believe he can be perfect. No. He is perfect!"
Tommy felt tears form in the corner of his eyes as he quickly ducked back around the corner. "I'm not perfect...? I'm not- g-good enough...?" The boy stuttered out in disbelief as tears rolled down his face.
The child let himself slide down the wall, hugging his knees tightly and burying his face into his knees. He tried his best to stay silent, as he didn't want the doctors/scientists to hear him.
Although, eventually, a sob escaped his mouth and all the talking came to a halt.
The blonde's breath hitched. The boy didn't leave a moment to spare as he began running. He didn't know where he was running to, but his only goal was to leave. He wanted to leave this dreadful place. He didn't want to be thrown away, told how imperfect he was.
He simply ignored the screams of Kacey behind him, he didn't want to see her anymore. She was nice, yeah, but she worked for the other bastards...
790 Words
Tommy said he was made in a lab, joke or not, it's happening now 🙄 -Noi

[ TommyInnit One-Shots ]
Fanfic- Just my random book of TommyInnit oneshots! I mostly write angst, but occasionally I'll write some fluff even if I'm not that good at it. ~ Feel free to leave suggestions for future oneshots too, sometimes it's hard thinking of things to write.