"Flew too far." (Different Winged AU)

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"When you are ignored by a person whose attention means the most to you, the reaction in your brain will be similar to physical pain."

[TWs : Exile ig]

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✧ :・゚➽ A child, around the age of seven, sat alone in his bedroom in his guardian's cozy cottage. Said child hugged his knees while sat on his bed, his fluffy, blonde hair falling in front of his eyes.

The boy let out a quiet huff as he brushed his hair out of his face and glanced across the room with a frown.

Across the room sat another bed, a bed with bedding covered in bees. It belonged to his bestfriend, Tubbo. Well, that wasn't his actual name, but nobody called him by his real name.

Tommy sighed and stumbled out of his bed, struggling a little due to the bed being a little too high up for his liking.

The boy was about to exit his room to find his guardian, Philza, only to be stopped when he felt a sharp pain come from his back.

The pain caused the kid to let go of the door handle and claw at the back of his shirt as tears threatened to fall from his light blue eyes.

Eventually Tommy managed to pull off his shirt, the pain only getting worse. It felt as if something was quite literally growing under his skin, tearing apart his shoulder blades. Yet there was no trace of blood.

All the child could do was cry and scream as he clawed at his back while he sat on the wooden floor of his bedroom.

"PH- PHIL!" The blonde called out between sobs.

But, no matter how much he screamed and shouted, nobody came.

And so, eventually his vision turned to black, the last thing he saw before he blacked out was something orange beside him.


Tommy hummed grumpily as he slowly gained consciousness, rubbing his eyes as he sat up. The boy winced as he put his hand on something. However, the pain didn't come from his hand? This caused him to quickly snap out of his sleepy state and retract his hand, staring.

There were orange feathers. Wings.

"Wh..." He whispered under his breath, seemingly in disbelief.

He didn't want wings.
The child pulled himself up, his lip quivering as he shook his head repeatedly, muttering the word "no" over and over again.

After a while, he stopped whispering to himself and took a deep breath.

Tommy attempted to move his wings, at the least fold them up. However, being new to this, he failed, only being able to move them a little. He huffed in annoyance as he gently moved his wings with his hands, folding them up behind his back.

Once that was done, he picked up his shirt from the floor and pulled his shirt back on, struggling as he tried to keep his wings folded underneath the fabric. He would find something better to hide them later.
He wouldn't let anyone know about this. Not even Phil.

For now, however, he'd go find Wilbur and go to the flower field.

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"Hiraeth; A homesickness for a home in which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past."

[Very big time skip]

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✧ :・゚➽ Tommy stared off across the shore in complete silence, the only audible sound being the calming sound of waves hitting the shore. His orange-tinted wings folded up neatly behind him as he hugged his knees. He seemed rather out of it. Not himself.

"So, this is it, huh?" He muttered, not letting any of his true emotions show, "I'm finally all alone..." He continued, his words now barely audible.

The teen laughed weakly to himself as he opened his wings and wrapped them around himself as a form of comfort.

I mean, on the bright side of things, now he could keep his wings out more often, as there was nobody around to even see.

Nobody for miles away.

He was all alone.

Tommy hated being alone.

Tears threatened to fall from the teens eyes, however he didn't let them. He quickly wiped away his tears and rubbed his eyes, rather annoyed that he was being so emotional.

"I should've seen it coming." He muttered to himself as he glanced at his hoodie that laid on the sand beside him.

Tommy had ripped two holes in his shirt for his wings, as he would probably have them out a lot more. Although, he kept his hoodie in tact. Just in case anybody tried to visit. Which he doubted they would.

The boy tensed up as he heard extremely light footsteps behind him.

In the blink of an eye, Tommy grabbed his hoodie and pulled it on, wincing slightly when his wing folded in an awkward position under the fabric.

"Tommy!" An energetic voice giggled, a faint echoing sound following after he spoke.

"Hey Wil- Ghostbur." Tommy corrected himself with a sigh, hugging his knees again, this time much tighter though.

The ghost wandered over to his brother and sat down beside him, shuffling back a little upon realizing he was a little too close to the water. "What are you doing over here? We should be working on a holiday home!" He smiled, staring off into the distance like Tommy.

Tommy bit his lip, going silent for a moment.

All of a sudden, Tommy turned to Ghostbur and quite literally jumped into his arms. However, instead of feeling the warmth, or in this case coldness, of a hug, like he hoped, he fell right through the spirit.

Ghostbur's expression faltered as he heard Tommy sniffle. The ghost moved out the way and took a deep breath before pulling Tommy up and pulling him into a tight hug. It took a lot of energy to do so, but he would do it for his brother.

Tears rolled down the teens face as he hugged the ghost back, making sure not to get the water from his tears onto the other.

Eventually Ghostbur became too exhausted and Tommy phased through him again, although he didn't seem to mind this time, as he got what he wanted.

The blonde wiped his eyes and smiled slightly, "Thanks Ghostbur." He spoke quietly.

The ghost grinned in response, "No problem, Tommy! Now have some blue!"

Tommy rolled his eyes with a smirk as he took Ghostbur's blue, putting it in his pocket.

Maybe this wouldn't be too bad afterall.

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Word Count: 1076
I saw I got 100k reads a while ago, so I wanted to update. Although I had 0 motivation due to leaving the fandom, so instead, have 2 chapters of a book I gave up on a long time ago ✌ (The exile was just angst galore huh) Also, I literally haven't reread this so brr -Noi

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