Trigger Warnings: Doubt in others? My brain ain't working.
The rain poured down from the grey clouds above harshly, soaking anyone who stayed outside for more than 10 seconds.
Unfortunately, the local problem child was lost, absolutely drenched from top to bottom in freezing water. Said child shivered uncontrollably as he huddled under a dark oak tree to hopefully find some sort of protection, however, it didn't seem to work as he was still shivering violently, maybe even more than earlier.
Although he was freezing, he thought it would be best to stay put, as he didn't want to risk getting even more lost than he already was. He'd just have to wait until the rain stopped. It wasn't like anyone would come look for him in this weather. Well, not even in this weather, just, at all.
Awesamdude paced around the Big Innit hotel and Tommy's house, looking rather stressed out. And rightfully so, Tommy hadn't been there in a couple of hours, and it was pouring it down. No matter who the man asked, nobody had seen him. So of course he would be worried about him.
The creeper-hybrid let out a sigh of frustration before taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. The male stopped in his tracks and muttered to himself, "What am I doing? I should go look for him, not pace around.
Sam shook his head and quickly made his way to Puffy's house to borrow an umbrella, as his house was pretty far away.
With an umbrella in hand, the green-haired male set off, heading further and further away from the Dream SMP.
Tommy could feel himself gradually losing grip of his consciousness. The boy hugged his knees as tight as he could and bit his tongue harshly to hopefully keep himself from passing out.
The action did help, but barely. Of course, the blonde was still practically freezing to death, having not put on a hoodie or a coat before leaving on his little 'adventure'.
As the teen grew weaker and weaker, he could feel himself losing grip of his consciousness once again. This time, he was too weak to stop himself from giving in, letting a state of unconsciousness take over him...
Right before he passed out, although he thought it would be useless, he whispered to someone.
TommyInnit Whispers To You: please help dark oak
Sam's breath hitched as he read the message. In an instant, the man headed towards the nearest dark oak forest. He wasn't wasting any time now that it was clear the teen was in actual trouble.
The dark oak forest was now in sight, but still the boy was no where to be seen. That meant it could either be the wrong forest, or he was lost somewhere in that forest.
Sam's speed walking soon turned into a quick jogging as he heard someone coughing from inside the forest. His first thought was that it was Tommy, which it most likely was.
The creeper man searched around the dark oak forest cautiously, cautiously, yet frantically, killing any mob on sight.
He was soon beginning to lose hope. He had searched around almost the whole area and found no sign of the blonde teen. And with that, Sam made his way out of the forest, double checking the forest as he did.
And that's when he saw him. Tommy, drenched and shivering, covered in cuts and bruises (most likely from mobs), sat there against the dark oak tree in an unconscious state.
The man quickly rushed over to the boy, crouching down in front of him and holding the umbrella over the both of them. Sam hastily removed his - mostly dry - coat and placed it around Tommy's shoulders.
Sam was relieved to say the least.
The green-haired male took a deep breath before picking up the child, wedging the umbrella under his arm as he did. Sam held Tommy as close as possible, trying to keep him warm as he headed back to the Dream SMP...
665 Words
I need to stop getting distracted 😀 -Noi

[ TommyInnit One-Shots ]
Fanfiction- Just my random book of TommyInnit oneshots! I mostly write angst, but occasionally I'll write some fluff even if I'm not that good at it. ~ Feel free to leave suggestions for future oneshots too, sometimes it's hard thinking of things to write.