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Brigand didn't bring up the pillagers again until you were setting up camp for the night (under a copse of trees this time, with plenty of cover, as Brigand had said it looked like it might rain overnight) and he pulled out the bags of loot you had taken from them, tossing them to the ground with all the other packs. 

Of course, Arlow perked up from where they were sitting next to the campfire right away, amber eyes catching the firelight. "I forgot about those! What do you think's in them?"

Brigand shrugged, finding the pack of food and pulling out a few loaves of bread, more concerned with dinner than whatever loot the pillagers had on them. "Feel free to tear them apart."

Arlow reached forward and grabbed the packs, tossing one to you. It landed in front of you with a thump and you dragged it forward, placing in between you and Ranboo, who had sat down beside you. Flipping the top open, you reached inside to pull out a book first. A quick look at the spine told you what it was.

"Unbreaking III." You announced, laying it aside. It would have been decent if the palace hadn't already put every enchantment imaginable on your weapons before you left. 

Ranboo reached into the bag next, pulling out a handful of jewelry. He held it up, letting the firelight glint off the metal - an emerald pendant. He didn't even say anything before he draped it around your neck, letting the jewel fall to your shirt. 

You looked down at yourself, and then back up at Ranboo. "I think it would look better on you." You said, taking it off and draping it around his neck. "Matches your eye."

You could see a faint blush on his white side before he turned away. 

Digging back into the bag, you came out with a handful of emeralds - it seemed the rest of it was just the gems. "There's some emeralds in here if we stop at a village or something."

"There's a bunch in here too." Arlow said, reaching into the pack. When their arm resurfaced, they were holding a small harp like instrument, and their eyes were aglow. "A lyre!" They said excitedly, thumbing across the strings. A melodic sounds escaped from the instrument. "And it's in tune."

Brigand sat down next to them, rotating the spit of meat that was roasting over the fire and getting to work slicing the bread he'd retrieved from the packs. "Do you play?"

Arlow adjusted how they were sitting, cradling the lyre in their lap now and strumming again. "A bit."

"Play something for us." You said, closing the bag and crossing your legs under you, giving your full attention to Arlow. 

"Alright." They said, picking at the strings again. They began to wave a melody together out of the notes, something light and sweet and that sounded a lot like falling in love. Together, with the gentle buzz of the crickets and cicadas in the background, it sounded beautiful. This was the kind of music that made your heart swell. 

Next to you, Ranboo was still playing with the pendant you had draped over his neck, causing the jewel to catch and reflect the firelight in spots on his face. He looked ethereal in the low lighting - one side looked like part of the shadows, while the other was in sharp contrast. He looked so small when he curled his knees to his chest, even though he was almost a foot taller than you.

As if sensing your eyes on him, Ranboo looked up, meeting your gaze. You couldn't bring yourself to look away though, and instead just smiled. He gave you a small smile in return and it made you grin even more.

The song faded to a close and your gaze turned to Arlow as they looked up from the lyre. You grinned, giving a small round of applause (to which they jokingly bowed). 

"That was very nice." Brigand said, turning the meat over the fire again. It was beginning to reach that cooked brown, and the smell was making you even more hungry. "Where's it from?"

"Just made it up now." Arlow said. "I suppose it's just ours."

"You just made that up now?" You asked. "That's incredible."

They shrugged, setting the lyre aside in favor of taking the slices of bread Brigand was handing to them. "Gemma and I sit on the docks and just fool around with instruments all the time back home. The sea is our muse."

Ranboo shuddered. "That sounds terrifying."

Arlow laughed. "Yeah, I can't imagine you would enjoy the ocean very much."

You took the slices of bread Brigand had passed to you and handed them along to Ranboo, taking your own afterwords. A few minutes later the meat was fully done, and Brigand was sliding the pieces off the spit and into your waiting sandwiches. A pinch of seasoning from the spice pouch, and your dinner was ready. 

You bit into your sandwich hungrily, wiping the juice that tried to escape down your chin. The meat was tender and soft and you ate quickly, hungry from a day of traveling. It didn't take long until dinner was finished, and it good time too, because Brigand had been right, and it was going to rain. 

The first few drops fell down, and you looked up to the sky to see the stars covered with clouds. 

Ranboo shivered uncomfortably, the hair on his neck sticking straight up. 

"Oh damn." You said, getting up and grabbing the pack that had been sitting between you and Ranboo. "Tent?"

"Yes please." Ranboo said, getting up as well.

You glanced to Arlow and Brigand, and Arlow nodded. "We'll clean up."

Grinning gratefully, Ranboo all but dragged you by the chain into your tent, only letting out a relieved sigh once he was inside. You sat down on your bedroll, slightly amused by his expression. 

He caught your look and grinned sheepishly. "I don't like the rain."

"I know." You said stretching out on your bedroll. 

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