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On the way back to the palace, you stopped in Audunbast. Finding the house with the blue shutters was easy enough - it was right by the shore like Arlow had said. Giving Gemma the stone and telling her what had happened was the hard part, and you would never forget how you had seen her heart break right before your eyes. 

You had plenty of time to replay the moment over and over again during the weeks' ride back to the palace with the egg. 

It was lonelier with just you and Ranboo. When you stopped for the nights, there was no gentle plucking of the lyre to be heard, or snoring coming from the other tent. There wasn't even an other tent anymore. Just you and Ranboo, occasionally waking up from a nightmare to find the other already awake as well. 

With all that time by yourselves, you had plenty of time to let the hurt of losing two of your friends fester and grow until you were almost overflowing with it by the time you reached the palace. 

Almost as soon as you arrived, those bookend twins were sent to collect you, guiding you and Ranboo to the throne room where the king was waiting. If they noticed that you weren't wearing the cuff, they didn't say, their purple eyes more drawn to the two empty horses that you had brought back with you. 

You said nothing about their questioning glances, just following them up to the king. 

When you reached the throne room, one of the twins, turned, stopping you and Ranboo before you walked through the doors. You couldn't tell which one it was until they spoke - Deirdre. 

"His Highness will see you separately." She said, holding out an elbow to just you. 

You glanced at Ranboo, and he nodded subtly - he would be alright. You took Deirdre's elbow and let her lead you through the great oak doors and into the throne room. It hadn't changed since you had last been here, before the journey, except now it was just Etienne in the room. 

A private audience. 

He smiled warmly as you came in. "Y/N of Templeswift. I'm glad to see you returned."

You didn't bother bowing, only nodded your head slightly. 

Etienne shifted in his seat, leaning forward slightly. "I'm sorry to hear about your companions, but I thank you for bringing the egg back safely. It has been restored to the treasury, and a sum of gold will be delivered to-"

"Brigand was the thief." You interrupted him, looking him in the eye. "Did you know that?"

Etienne paused, obviously not expecting you to cut him off. "No, we didn't know at the time-"

"Did you know why he stole the egg?" You cut him off again. "Because his people are being killed ruthlessly." 

Etienne looked taken aback. "They're vindicators. And pillagers. They endanger our people-"

"That doesn't mean they're not people themselves, my king." You said. "Perhaps if you had listened to their pleas, it wouldn't have come to this." 

Etienne's eyes darkened. "You would do wise to remember your place. This matter is much larger than you understand."

You didn't back down from his stare - you could see how he had raised the original crown heir to be so delusioned now. Still, whether or not you agreed with him, he was the king, and he had marched Arlow to their doom. 

"I understand that it hurts to lose a friend." Etienne said. "And I am sorry that you lost two. But we have much to discuss about the journey - I noticed you aren't wearing your cuff."

"Ranboo was proven innocent, my king." You said. "He was being manipulated by Brigand to execute his plans, and actually ended up being the one to save the egg in the End." 

The King tilted his head thoughtfully. "Is that so?"

You nodded. "He's innocent, and I'll testify for him if I have to."

It was silent for a moment as the king pondered, and you couldn't help but think of how you had first met Ranboo - here, locked away in the dungeons. You couldn't let that happen again, not after everything he had done for you. You cared for him fiercely, and you wouldn't let them take him back now.

"I will keep your claim in mind during his debriefing." Etienne said. There was an air of finality in his voice, and you could sense that you were about to be dismissed - but you weren't done quite yet. 

"I have a request, my king." You said.

Etienne paused. "Which would be?"

You stooped into a bow. "I would like to resign from the guard." 

He looked down at you, his brow pinching together. "You would like to resign? Now?"

You knew it was a little bit absurd to want to resign now - you had just come back a hero. The boost in the rank would be incredible, and people would look up to you. Leaving now meant you were leaving at the top of your career - and you wouldn't be able to come back from that. 

Except, you didn't care too much about your career anymore. Not after what had happened. 

"I would." You said. 

Etienne hesitated, but then waved a hand. "I suppose if it's something you want, it's not too far fetched. You may resign."

"Thank you." You said. 

"Thank you." Etienne said. "You are dismissed."

You bowed once more and turned on your heel, striding back out the oak doors and into the hallway, where Ranboo was waiting for his turn. The twins were still there as well, purple eyes on you as you left the throne room. You had a feeling that they knew exactly what had happened, even though they hadn't been in the room. 

Ranboo looked to you when you walked out, eyes wide. 

"Ill wait for you out here." You said, grabbing his hand and giving it a squeeze. 

"Okay." Ranboo said, squeezing back before he walked between those great oak doors and they closed. 

You slumped down against the wall of the hallway, ignoring the twins eyes on you. 

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