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By the time you were leaving for the palace, word of your royal summons had spread to the entire village. 

It was the talk of the town - their very own guard member had been summoned back to the palace personally. It was a little bothersome - you had never liked town gossip much - but it had it's benefits as well. The little donations left at your doorstep increased, both in variety and quantity - you received blankets and pre-prepared meals and even a new hatchet, all for the journey to the castle. You assured the givers that it wasn't that long of a trip, only a day, and that you would make it there fine, but it fell in deaf ears. 

It seemed like almost the whole village had come to see you off when you left in the morning - saddle bags full with their donations and bow strapped to your back. You waved as you rode past them - it would be the last time you would see their faces for a while you knew, and you would miss your little routine in the mornings. 

Still, there was a strange sense of excitement that came with a royal summons. 

Reaching down into one of the saddle bags, you eased the scroll free, transferring the reigns to one hand and unfurling it with the other. You had read it over countless times in the past few days, but the looping script and the message it carried still seemed unreal.

To Y/N of Templeswift

We hope this message finds you well and in due time. As part of the King's Guard, you have been summoned to the palace in three days time to receive a request from King Etienne himself. You are to bring a weapon of choice, and whatever supplies you need for the journey here. Room and board will be given for your stay. 

As a parting word, we remind you that the nature of your position requires you answer this summons punctually and well prepared. 

Tarquin of End

On behalf of his Royal Highness King Etienne

The message was short - as most purely transactional royal summons were - and gave you no clues as to what you were being summoned for, but they had asked for you by name. Only the most notable members of the guard were ever asked for by name, and then only to carry out the utmost of important tasks for the king. 

It made your blood thrum with excitement. 

As you rode forward on the well-trodden path that would take you to the palace, you couldn't help but wonder what kind of adventure was in store. In all the stories of old, great warriors would receive a royal summons and be asked to complete seemingly impossible tasks - like retrieving the Totem of Undying from the fabled Woodland Mansion, or traveling miles under the ocean to defeat an Elder Guardian, or even summon a Wither and kill it for it's star. You clenched the scroll in your hand - they could be telling stories about you, after this. 

If you made it back. 

That was always the sad part of in the old tales - it was never just one great adventurer that was sent out on the quest, but it was usually only one or two that returned. It was the nature of the sort of things these quests were made of - it was only so long until one of the Guardians caused a member of the party to succumb to fatigue, or a stray fireball took someone out. 

You were sure you hadn't been summoned to the palace alone - the King liked a guarantee that at least one member of his chosen party would come back. 

Still, the chance to become one of the heroes of old was worth it. Whatever task that lay ahead, you would find a way to succeed. 

You rode for most of the day - passing through forests and fields and other villages as you followed the road that would take you to the palace. The sun was just beginning to dip below the horizon when you could first see the spires of the castle, and it was fully sundown when you rode inside the gates, slowing your horse as you approached two guards. 

"Ho there!" One of the men called. "State your business."

"I am Y/N of Templeswift." You said, holding out the scroll so that the man could see. "I received a royal summons-"

"Just in time." The second guard stepped forward, offering a hand to help you off your horse. You accepted it, swinging down gracefully, only jostling your bow a little bit from where you had it slung across your back. "We'll take your horse to the stables - the king has already called audience with the other adventurers."

"Am I late?" You asked, suddenly nervous. 

"Not terribly." The first guard said, sliding open the gate just enough so that you could walk through. "The throne room is up the stairs and down the hall to the left - giant oak doors, you won't miss it."

You nodded respectfully, starting up the stairs. "Thank you!" You called back to the guardsmen as you broke out into a light jog, taking the stairs two at a time. You had thought you had left on time - but it didn't matter now. You were just concerned with finding the throne room and not keeping the King waiting more than you had. 

True to the guardsmens word, the throne room was easy to find and you breezed inside, eyes skipping over the room as you stooped into a low bow before the throne. It was a lavish room, as you would expect any throne room to be, with the King sat at the center. "Your Majesty, my apologies." You said. "I did not mean to keep you and your court waiting-"

"Ah, Y/N of Templeswift." King Etienne interrupted you gently. "Rise - there's no need to fret. We've only just started."

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