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You were having a hard time falling asleep.

You'd thought that as soon as your head hit the pillow that you would be out like a light like you had last night, but here you were, laying in bed awake, thoughts churning in your head. No matter what you tried, your brain simply wouldn't quiet down and left you drift off. 

Maybe it was that you were reaching the crux of the mission now. You were basically on top of the stronghold, all it would take was a little bit of digging to unearth the tunnel down into the structure. In a few days time, you would be jumping through a portal to another world. 

Or maybe it was the fact that no matter how you tried to suspend your judgement, you couldn't help but think that Ranboo was innocent. 

It had been swirling around in your head ever since the sleepwalking - the king had even said that his twins had found him in a dazed state in the treasury, and he had no memory of ever touching the egg. There was no reason for him to have even wanted it in the first place, and that he said he didn't even remember getting to the palace...

He couldn't be guilty. 

You shifted in bed to lay on your side, absently swinging the chain that stretched between your beds back and forth. The moonlight streaming in from the window made it shine, and you couldn't help but trail your eyes up and down the metal links. You followed the chain upwards until you reached Ranboo's wrist, your eyes then switching to his arm, tracing an invisible line up his shoulder until you reached his eyes - which were very open and trained right on you. 

A shiver worked it's way down your spine. 

"What are you doing?" Ranboo asked, voice barely above a whisper as to not wake Brigand or Arlow. 

"Sorry." You said, stilling the chain. "Did I wake you?"

Ranboo shook his head. "No... I wasn't really asleep, I just felt it start swinging and I thought that maybe you needed something."

"No, I just can't fall asleep." You whispered. 

Ranboo raised an eyebrow in question. 

You paused for a second, and the skeptical part of your mind reminded you that this entire thing could just be a ploy to earn your trust, but you ignored it. You knew Ranboo. He wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone - he had trouble holding eye contact for Christ's sake.

"I think you're innocent." You said, letting the words hang between you.

It was quiet for a moment, and all you could hear was the faint buzz of the cicadas and the gentle snoring of Brigand from the other side of the room. Eventually though, your words actually hit Ranboo and he smiled. 

"That's why you can't get to sleep?" He asked, looking mildly amused. "Because you've decided I was wrongly accused?"

"You make your own imprisonment sound like a joke." You said. "But yes, I don't like it."

Ranboo shook his wrist some so that the chain between you swung back and forth a bit. "I mean, I don't really like it either, but there's not much I can do at this point."

Your eyes made their way back down to the chain again, and an idea wormed it's way into your head. You pursed your lips - you could take the chain off for a bit. Just to let Ranboo and yourself have a break. As long as you woke up before Arlow and Brigand to put it back on, they would never know and it wouldn't be an issue. 

"What are you thinking about now?" 

Ranboo's question broke you out of your thoughts, and you glanced down to where your travelling cloak was folded on the end of the bed. The key was still in the pocket - it hadn't moved since you had tucked it there when Etienne had given it to you. You sat up quickly, ignoring Ranboo's confused look and grabbed to cloak, pulling it towards you to fish the key out of the pocket. 

"Give me your wrist." You said, holding out a hand to Ranboo.


"The wrist with the cuff, give it to me." You whispered. 

Ranboo hesitated, but then he was reaching across the gap in the beds, extending his cuffed wrist to you. You slid the key into the lock, pressed down and turned, opening the cuff with a click. You pulled the metal from his wrist and unlocked the cuff on your end as well, enjoying the weight being gone. 

Setting the cuffs aside, you looked back to Ranboo to see him staring at his naked wrist in shock. "You didn't have to do that."

"Just don't teleport away, alright?" You said, laying back down in bed. "I'll be very upset if I wake up and you're gone."

Ranboo glanced back up to you. "I can't actually teleport."

You blinked, taking in what he had said. "What?"

"I can't teleport." He said again. "It's pretty much the only Enderman thing I didn't inherit."

"And you didn't tell them that?" You asked, laughter on the edge of your hushed voice. 

Ranboo raised an eyebrow. "You think they would have believed me if I had?"

"Then what's the cuff for?" You said. 

Ranboo shrugged. "It's basically just a glorified friendship bracelet at this point."

You had to stifle a giggle at that one, and you could see the corners of Ranboo's eyes quirk up in a smile as well. You shifted on the bed, burrowing into the blankets more as you just looked at each other - wrists free for the first time in weeks. It felt good, if a little odd. The familiar weight would be back soon enough though - you could have to clap the cuffs back on in the morning. 

A few hours respite would be worth it though. 

"Goodnight Y/N." Ranboo said. "And thank you." You could see the edge of that soft smile you liked so much on his face.

You smiled through the semi-darkness back at him. "You're welcome." You said. "Goodnight Ranboo."

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