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With the weaponsmith taking care of refurbishing and getting everyone's gear back into prime order, there wasn't much else to do other than idle about - which Marram was great for. You walked the streets with Ranboo at your side, comparing this place to your own village and finding them much the same - you could easily fit in here, if you stayed long enough. 

It was a simple place - the villagers went about their days in peace. You passed farmers working their fields, librarians poring over their books, a priest wiping down the stained glass windows of his church. If the eyes hadn't led you here, you would have no idea that just outside of Marram the stronghold was buried underground. 

The chain swung between you and Ranboo as you walked, following the path towards the edge of the village. Soon enough, you found yourself at the foot of the hill that you would have to dig out to find the way down to the portal, and you sat down in the grass, patting the place next to you so Ranboo would as well. Over the tops of the village houses, the sky was just beginning to turn orange. 

You leaned back on your elbows to look up at the sky. "This place reminds me of Templeswift."

"Does it?" Ranboo asked, pulling his knees to his chest. 

You hummed, watching the last of the smoke go out from the forge's chimney - the weaponsmith must be closing up for the night. Hopefully he would find the emeralds you had left him. "It has the same sort of feel - everything is simple here."

"Must be nice, to live the simple life." Ranboo said. You watched as his eyes jumped from house to house, mapping out the whole village. 

"There is something to be said for that." You agreed. "It'll be nice to go back after all of this - hopefully my house isn't in too much disarray." Thinking about all of this ending - about going home - made you glance over at Ranboo, suddenly curious. "What will you do, after?"

Ranboo's eyes slid to yours and he shrugged. "Depends. I might have to spend more time in the royal dungeons. If not... I don't know. It's not like I have a place to go."

You frowned at that - you would hate to seem him get locked back up in those stone catacombs underneath the palace. Especially since you were fairly certain that even if he had stolen the egg, he had been in that strange sleepwalking state while he'd done it - though you weren't sure he had done it at all. For him to go on the journey and spend so much time trying to get the egg back, surely they wouldn't just throw him back into the dungeons. 

"You could always come to Templeswift with me." 

Ranboo's eyes widened for a second and he looked back towards the horizon, the white side of his face suddenly tinged pink. "Really?"

You sat up fully, resting your hands in your lap and nodded. "It's not that big of a place, and everyone there is nice. It would be easy enough to carve out a little place for you within the village."

"I don't know if I would exactly... fit in with the villagers." Ranboo said. 

You smiled to yourself a little. "Of course you would. You could take up weaving with those long fingers of yours and all the women would love you."

Ranboo chuckled softly, his eyes finding yours again. Against the setting sun, the different colors shone all the more - the green bright as morning dew on the grass and the red deep as a ruby. When you had first seen him, it had been hard to look at him straight on, as your gaze would switch between the colors, but now you could appreciate the odd sort of beauty that stemmed from it. 

"You really are too nice to me." He said. 

You rolled your eyes at that, leaning so that your shoulder knocked into his playfully. "And you're too hard on yourself. It evens out."

Instead of shouldering you back, Ranboo just leaned to the side until his head was nestled between your shoulder and your neck, tucked comfortably under your jaw. You softened at the touch immediately - for him, this was the ultimate sign of trust. Your eyes slid from the top of his head pressed against your jaw back to the horizon, watching the sun dip lower. 

"I think I could be good at weaving." Ranboo said. "That's where you make the fabric, right?"

You hummed. "We could set you up in a nice big room with a loom and all sorts of fancy dyes and you could just go about your days making fabric and selling it to the village folk. You'd make a fortune."

"And I could have Oxeye daisies on my windowsils like you do." He added. 

You smiled, and your heart flushed with affection at his words - he'd remembered. It had been weeks since you had mentioned that you had potted daisies on your windows, but he had kept that little tidbit tucked away. It really was always the little things with him. 

"And you could help me pick a name for the stray cat that wanders around town." You said, running a hand up Ranboo's back until you could play with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck, rolling the short curls over in your fingertips. He keened at the touch like a cat, sagging against your side more. 

"That sounds nice." Ranboo said. "If they don't throw me back in jail when all of this is over, I'd like to go to Templeswift."

"And I would be more than happy if you came with me." You said. 

It was a nice little daydream, you had to say. At the end of all this, it would be nice to have at least one of the party members close by, and who better than the man you had been literally stuck with the whole time?

Hopefully, it could be more than just a dream. 

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