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You could hear him hit his head on the doorframe from the kitchen. 

"Ow- shit."

You stopped what you were doing - these carrots would still be here in a moment - and walked out to the living area of the house to see Ranboo rubbing his forehead, closing the door behind him. 

"You have to stop doing that." You said, walking over to pry his hands away and take a look at the bump yourself. "You're going to have a permanent bruise on your head if you don't remember to duck."

"Or," Ranboo started. "We could just make the doorframes taller."

You rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the back of the house, where you kept the medical supplies. Along the way, you passed a wall of relics - your bow and quiver (now empty), a collection of pressed Oxeye daisies that Ranboo insisted on keeping, a few paintings, and at the end of the hall, Arlow's lyre.

You herded Ranboo into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet, pulling out a roll of bandages and a healing salve that you had gotten from the local cleric. "Sit." You directed, gesturing to the counter. 

Ranboo perched on the side of the countertop, looking bemused. "I could have just done this myself."

"I know." You said, uncapping the healing salve and spreading a bit on your fingers. "But I'm also here, so." 

You reached up to spread the salve on his forehead, taking care to rub it into the skin. Slowly, the bruise began to disappear, turning back to the usual black and white of his skin. As you worked, you could feel his eyes on you, and he absently began to play with the hem of your shirt, rolling the fabric between his fingers. 

One hand brushed across your stomach and you shivered, batting his hand away. "Stop that."

Ranboo pouted. "Why?"

"I'm trying to fix you right now, and then I have to go finish slicing those carrots so you can use them in your soup." You said, unrolling a length of bandage and affixing it over the bruise to hold the rest of the salve in place. "There. It's still tender but at least it looks better."

Ranboo hummed, hands moving from your shirt to clasp around the small of your back, pulling you closer until your thighs hit the edge of the counter he was sitting on. He looked a little stupid with a bandage in the center of his forehead - but his adorable awkwardness was something you liked, and it didn't stop you from pressing up on your tiptoes to kiss him on the mouth.

Ranboo melted, peppering your face with little kisses. 

Eventually, you did pull away, brushing his hair back over his forehead to hide the bandage somewhat. "I have to go finish those carrots."

Ranboo pressed another kiss to the center of your forehead. "Do you have to?"

"Yes." You laughed. "They're for your soup, idiot, the one you've been dying to try out the recipe for."

Ranboo sighed, but let you go, sliding off the counter to follow you back through the house and into the kitchen. You picked the knife back up and started where you left off, slicing the carrots into thin pieces and setting them in a bowl. 

You weren't surprised at all when you felt Ranboo rest his chin on your head. He really was like a giant puppy. 

"Can you hand me that towel?" You asked.

Ranboo reached an arm over, grabbing the towel from a little ways away, holding it out to you. You wiped the knife off and set it aside before going to grab the bowl of carrots slices, moving it next to the other ingredients you had gathered. When you were done, you stepped away. "It's all yours." You said, sliding out from underneath Ranboo and going to sit in the rocking chair near the window. 

A focus came over his face as he started to bake, and you rocked back and forth, watching as he read over the recipe and began to cook. He hadn't fully mastered human cooking yet, but it was adorable to watch him try. And you were happy to say that each of his attempts got better and better. 

You as you rocked, you turned your gaze to the town outside. It was just beginning to get a little dark, and the lights from the windows of your neighbors glowed. There was still smoke coming from the chimney of the forge, and a few lone bees buzzed around the meadow, flitting from daisy to daisy, collecting the last pollen of the day.

If you were still in the guard, you would be getting ready to go out and fight mobs about now. 

You turned to look at Ranboo - still poring over his soup like it was alchemy, and smiled. Leaving the guard had probably been the second best decision you had ever made. The first, of course, being to offer Ranboo a place in your home. You wouldn't want him anywhere but here - making you overly complicated soup just because he wanted to. 

"I can feel you looking at me." He said, not looking away from his pot.

"I can't help it." You grinned. "You're very pretty, you know."

His white side tinged pink, and you could see a smile come to play on his lips. You grinned to yourself - making him blush was one of your favorite pastimes, and you had gotten quite good at it since he had moved in with you. Not that it was particularly hard in the first place, but you had a knack for it now. 

Or maybe it was just that he liked you. 

Humming, you turned your attention back to the window. A tune came to mind - something soft and sweet and that sounded a lot like falling in love, and you closed your eyes, letting yourself relax into the melody and the smell of food cooking on the stove, and the soft sunset light coming in through the window. 

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