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From then on the day went smoothly - the horses were packed, the campsite was cleaned, and you were back on the road before the undead had even started burning in the sunlight. As you rode, you kept a careful eye on the chain that dangled between you and Ranboo, making sure it didn't get tangled in anything again. 

You alternated riding and walking for most of the day, only stopping to catch a wild pig Arlow had seen for lunch. Every now and again someone would toss an Ender eye into the air, just to check that you were still headed in the right direction, but other than that the day had consisted mostly of just enjoying the scenery and talking amongst yourselves. 

You learned that Brigand was from a long line of Vindicators that dated back to before Etienne was on the throne (back when there was no ruler of the land, and no one had even known about the Nether or the End). Arlow had a wife back in Audunbast - Gemma. They had just gotten married last summer, and in a few months it would be their anniversary. 

"Well, we'll just have to get you back home by then." Brigand had said, a soft sort of smile coming over his usually flat features. 

You told them about yourself as well - about Templeswift, and your nightly routine and the stray cat that would come visit from time to time. They were good listeners, and you spent a good while going back and forth with Arlow about a name for the cat. 

Of course, Ranboo didn't say much during these conversations, but from how you were sitting you could feel him laugh every now and again.

The sun was sinking in the sky again now, and you were walking, looking for a place to settle down for the night. It wasn't too long before you could hear the chatter of a river nearby, and Arlow perked up, leading their horse off the path and finding a clear spot along the riverbank. 

"We should set up here!" They said, already taking their packs of their horse. 

Brigand was more skeptical, inspecting the ground. "I don't know." He said. "It seems wet - I wouldn't want to bedrolls getting soaked overnight-"

"It'll be good for the horses." Arlow said. "We haven't stopped to let them get a drink since we passed that little stream."

You could see Brigand wavering, and it wasn't long before he sighed, beginning to take his packs of his horse as well. You smiled, handing the reins to Ranboo so that you could begin to undo the buckles of the packs and set them down on the ground - Brigand had been right, the ground did seem a little soft, but you couldn't imagine it would get much worse than that. 

Camp was set up much the same as it had been the night before - two tents, a campfire between them, the horses tied to a nearby tree (this time close enough to the river that they could step into the water to cool off and take a drink). You were just laying out your bedroll when you heard the thump of metal against the ground and you peered back outside the tent to see Arlow at the rivers edge, stripping until they were naked as the day they were born. 

With a loud crow, they jumped into the river, causing a splash to shoot up. You watched Brigand roll his eyes, muttering something about southerners. This drew Ranboo's attention as well, and he turned from where he had been shaking out his blanket, the white side of his face going bright red when Arlow resurfaced dripping wet and naked. 

You could only laugh at the pure happiness on their face as they brushed strands of wet hair out of their eyes. 

"Come in!" Arlow beckoned. "The water's great - perfect after a day of walking and riding."

You made your way down to the riverbank, kicking off your shoes and rolling up your trousers as you went. You were just about to hop in when you caught sight of the chain - and followed it back to Ranboo, hovering behind you nervously. Red and green eyes met yours, and you looked at his black half.

Endermen and water didn't mix well. 

Instead of jumping in, you sat down, simply dipping your feet in the water. You patted the surface of the ground next to you, gesturing for Ranboo to sit down. He did, bringing his knees to his chest like he had done in the tent during the night. You both watched Arlow swim for a moment before he spoke. 


You glanced over to him to find him sitting his head on his knees, looking frustrated with himself. "I know you wanted to get in the water."

You sighed, leaning back on your hands. "If you keep apologizing for everything, I'm going to get annoyed with you."

Ranboo glanced over at you for a second. You could see him begin to say sorry before he stopped himself, pursing his lips. You smiled. 

"Listen," You said. "We're literally stuck together. There are going to be things that both of us have to change for the other. If I can't go swimming, that's fine. You can't teleport around anymore. You win some, you lose some."

Ranboo moved his wrist so the chain clinked. "I mean, yeah, the not teleporting thing is the whole point."

You huffed out a little laugh at that. "And stop being all quiet and sad. You're part of this adventure whether you like it or not, and I could feel you laughing at Arlow's jokes on the ride today. They're not going to hate you just because you helped steal the egg, okay?"

Ranboo pursed his lips, obviously in thought. 

"Just look at them." You said, gesturing out to Arlow. 

With a splash, they dove underneath the surface of the water, only to resurface a moment later, holding something in their hand. "Brig!" Arlow shouted, calling his attention. They opened their palm to reveal a shining stone. "Look! It's blue!"

You could see the ghost of a smile on Ranboo's lips. 

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