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You rolled out of the way just in time to catch Ranboo as he fell to the ground, easing him down so that he wasn't putting weight on his leg. A quick glance at his eyes revealed that he was back - that cloudiness. His breathing was heavy though, and his eyes searched yours for a moment before he relaxed some. 

"What happened?" Ranboo asked. "I can't- what did I do?"

"I'm so sorry." You said, shucking off your pack as quickly as you could and reaching into the pocket to grab the roll of bandages you had brought with you. "It was the only thing I could think to do to get you to come back, I-" You made to wrap Ranboo's knee, but he was already pushed himself up onto his feet again. 

"Get the key." Ranboo said, grimacing as he stood fully, his knee twitching slightly. 

"Ranboo, your leg-" You started again. 

"Not right now." He said, hauling you to your feet. 

The clang of metal nearby drew your attention away from Ranboo, and you turned just in time to see Arlow leaping down from where they had pushed off from one of the pillars, sword poised to trail down Brigand's arm, causing him to roar out in pain as they cut a straight line through the muscle. It didn't stop him though, he just hefted his axe and swung at Arlow again.

"The key, Y/N." Ranboo said. 

You rifled through the pocket of your traveling cloak until you found it, quickly handing it to him with shaky fingers. Ranboo unlocked his cuff before doing yours as well, the chain clattering to the ground. He reached behind you to unsling your bow from around your shoulders as well, pressing it into your hands. "Help Arlow."

Your fingers curled around the familiar indentations in the wood. "What about you?"

Ranboo flexed his fingers a few times, as if testing their strength. "I'll get the egg."

Your heart leapt into your throat at that - you would have much preferred if he didn't go after the one thing that Brigand wouldn't hesitate to kill for, but he was the only one that could touch it besides Brigand himself. You reached back into your quiver and pulled out an arrow, knocking it in your bow. "Be careful."

"Of course." Ranboo said, smiling at you. 

You turned your attention to Arlow and Brigand - still locked in the heat of battle - sighting them through the end of your bow. It would be hard to hit Brigand when he was moving around so much, but luckily his shoulders were broad and he was tall. 

You made to loose the arrow, only your fingers stayed curled around the string. Hesitance. 

As much as he had betrayed you, you couldn't bring yourself to shoot someone you had come to think of as an ally. Someone you had come to know, and trust, until he had revealed his true intentions all along. Someone you had come to think of as a real friends. Just looking at him swinging at Arlow with reckless abandon now, it felt like a pit had opened up inside you.

You refocused your attention at the point of the arrow at the end of your bow. Maybe if you didn't look at him, it would be easier to just let go of the bowstring. 

It seemed fate had other ideas though, because at that moment Brigand shouted, his attention suddenly drawn away from Arlow, towards the obelisk again. You spared a glance in that direction to see Ranboo, only a few yards away from the egg now, a look of determination on his face. 

Seizing the opportunity, Arlow brought their sword down into one of Brigand's thighs, sending the sharpened metal into the meat of his leg. Brigand yelled out in pain, the hand that wasn't on his axe coming to wrap around Arlow's shoulder and forcibly throw them aside, tearing their sword from his leg and sending them into a crumpled heap on the ground.  

Brigand started towards Ranboo at as much of a run as he could muster, murder on his face, and you finally loosed the arrow, only for it to fly past him and do no harm. 

Ranboo doubled his speed as well, running for the egg. 

You were frantic to grab another arrow from the quiver, knocking it and loosing it in one go, barely bothering to aim it. It landed in the meat of his arm anyway, but Brigand barely paid it any mind, still moving forward as fast as he could. You loosed another arrow, and another, and another, and another but Brigand kept going.

The egg was enough motivation for him to ignore your attempts at stopping him, and your fear that Brigand would kill Ranboo was enough for you to empty your quiver. 

Ranboo broke out into a sprint as Brigand got closer - but the axe was already sailing through the air. It was only that Ranboo's knee - the one you had stabbed him in - gave out that he narrowly avoided getting his head sliced off. He landed on his stomach, arms still outstretched for the egg, as Brigand picked his axe up again, heaving it over his head. 

Your legs were moving before you realized it, completely focused on Ranboo. His eyes were wide with panic as he looked up at Brigand, and your heart stopped in your chest.

It couldn't end like this. 

Brigand's knees buckled, landing in the dirt with a thud. Your eyes darted behind him as he slumped forward - Arlow's sword stuck in his back and Arlow unsteady on their feet. As he collapsed to his knees, Brigand hefted his axe, swinging it one last time before the light in his eyes died. 

The axe blade struck Arlow through the middle and they collapsed as well, slumping on their side. 

You could only stare as Ranboo rolled away from Brigand's body, cradling the egg in his arms, chest heaving. He was alive, but that didn't stop the tears from starting to roll down your cheeks. 

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