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Something was tugging on your arm. 

You woke halfway to roll over on your bedroll, trying to pull ouyr arm back under the covers with a yank. You could hear the chain pull tight with a clink, and then it was tugging on your arm harder, pulling you halfway out of your bedroll. 

Sighing, you woke up fully, leaving the warm drowsiness of sleep behind in favor of getting up on your knees, peering through the darkened tent in search of why you were being pulled awake. your eyes landed on Ranboo's bedroll to find it empty, and the chain was pulling you towards the front of the tent, outside. 

Maybe he had to pee or something. 

"Ranboo?" You called softly, getting up and walking forward. As soon as you had put some slack in the chain, it was pulled taught again, and you were tugged outside. The night air was cool, and the rain had cleared up thank goodness, but there was still a wet feel to the air. Ranboo didn't seem to mind though, as he was still tugging you forward, heading towards the blackened campfire. 

"Ranboo?" You asked again. Still no response, not even the turn of a head or twitch of a finger. Nothing to indicate that he even heard you - which wasn't like him at all. Something was going on - had some of the rain water seeped through the tent and gotten on him in his sleep?

You stepped forward, catching him by the shoulder before he could speed forward and draw the chain tight again. "Ranboo." You said, spinning him around so that he would acknowledge you.

You were met with blank eyes, red and green glazed over like he was still asleep, staring straight through you like you weren't even there. Your eyes widened in surprise and you let go of Ranboo's shoulder only to have him walk again until the chain was taught and you were being pulled forward, scraping through the charred ruin of the campfire. 

"What the hell?" You asked, mostly to yourself, digging your heels into the soft dirt. He definitely wasn't awake - if he was he wouldn't be dragging you along behind him - he was too polite for that. And that dazed look that you had seen in his eyes - whatever was going on, it wasn't Ranboo.

You reached forward to try and grab his shoulder again, only to get dragged along when Ranboo shot forward. You stumbled over the fire after him, catching yourself on one of the burnt logs. Looking up, Ranboo was still tugging forward. 

He was headed towards the horses. 

Specifically, Brigands.

You narrowed your eyes - was he trying to escape in this weird sleepwalking state?

You wrapped one hand around the chain, pulling it back towards you with all your might. Ranboo stumbled back slightly, only to shoot forward again, still straining towards Brigand's horse. You looked around for something you could use as a weapon - your bow was back in the tent, and you would rather not seriously hurt him, but you couldn't just let him escape, sleepwalking or no.

A fist sized rock caught your attention and you pulled it out of the soft ground with one hand, struggling to pull Ranboo back with the other. When the rock came free of the dirt, you curled your hand around it, aimed at his left knee and threw. 

The stone hit him in the back of the knee square on, and he buckled, crumpling to the ground. You seized to opportunity to scurry forward, sitting on his legs before he could pull himself back up, one hand grabbing the wrist that wasn't cuffed and wrapping some of the chain around it - a makeshift way of tying his hands together. 

Ranboo struggled underneath you, trying to get off the ground and get to Brigand's horse. 

"Ranboo, cmon." You said, struggling to keep him in place. You wound one hand into the back of his hair and pulled his head up, still seeing that glazed look in his eyes. If only you could wake him up, maybe he would stop struggling. 

Following your instinct, you pressed your fingers down on the side of his neck, hitting a pressure point there. Ranboo jerked once more before you heard a sharp gasp and his demeanor changed - not struggling to get to the horse anymore, but now trying to move. 

"Ranboo?" You asked. 

"Y/N?" He returned, trying to turn his head to look at you. "What's going on?"

You exhaled, getting up and brushing yourself off before helping Ranboo up off the ground as well. His eyes were no longer glazed over, and they found yours, filled with confusion and concern. 

"You look like somebody dragged you through the mud." Ranboo said. 

"Yeah." You said. "You did. What the hell was that?"

Ranboo's face fell. "I did?"

"You don't remember?" You asked, peering into his eyes for any hint that he might be lying for whatever reason. You found none though - and the glazed look you had seen on him had you inclined to believe that he might have been telling the truth. "You were trying to get to Brigand's horse like your life depended on it. I thought you were trying to escape."

Ranboo's face fell even more and you could see him being to curl in on himself, shoulders slouching and head tipping forward. "I'm so sorry-"

"No." You said, reaching forward to push at Ranboo's shoulders until he was standing straight up again. "Not your fault, alright? You were sleepwalking - I'm just happy I managed to wake you up."

Ranboo's eyes were still full of concern as he looked at you. "I didn't hurt you though, did I?"

You ran a hand down the arm that bore the cuff - the skin was a little red from where the metal had pulled, but nothing bad. "I'm good." You said. "Nothing's hurt or broken - just a little dirty now."

Ranboo looked relieved at that. "Okay."

You grinned thinly. "You might have a bruise forming on the back of your knee though."

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