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The village was bustling as you walked through the streets, everyone's weapons piled in yours and Ranboo's arms. The villagers kept shooting you glances as you walked, but you paid them no mind - it wasn't every day that you saw two adventurers dragging an arsenal of high grade weapons through town. 

"Where did you say the forge was?" Ranboo asked, gingerly holding Brigand's axe in his hands. 

You were balancing Arlow's sword and your own bow, glancing up at the tops of the houses in search of the thin chimney you had seen when you had first rode in to Marram. You were sure you had seen it - but then again, there were a lot of stilts and spires in this village, it being in the middle of a savannah and all. 

You were just beginning to give up hope when you spotted a plume of smoke rising from behind one of the buildings. 

"Ah!" You said, starting towards the smoke. "That must be it."

You wove through the village folk with Ranboo in tow, careful not to let any of the weapons you were carrying get to close to anyone - the last thing you wanted was for some well meaning kid to try and touch something and lose a finger. Even if the weapons were a little dull and dirty, that didn't mean they weren't deadly anymore. 

You walked the path to where the smoke was rising and sure enough it was the forge - the chimney had just been hidden from sight from where you had been standing before. The place looked less busy than some of the other shops you had passed by on your walk through town, but the smoke rising from the chimney let you know that at least someone was home.

You stepped up onto the porch, and cracked open the door, blinking at the blast of heat that escaped from the building when you did. It was already rather warm outside, but as you stepped into the forge, you couldn't help but feel like you were stepping into an oven. 

As if sensing the disturbance in his forge, the blacksmith looked up from where he was bent over an anvil, hammering a horseshoe into shape. His eyes locked onto the weapons you were carrying first, and then you, and then Ranboo behind you, and how he had to duck to avoid scraping the top of his head on the ceiling. 

"Hello sir." You said. "You wouldn't happen to be a weaponsmith would you?"

The man gaped for a moment before he regathered himself. "You're the adventurers."

You nodded, a smile coming over your face. "Yes we are. We were wondering if you could take a look at our weapons before we go plunging into the stronghold."

The man took a moment to process your words again before he was scurrying about, clearing space from the worktables in his house, wiping built up soot and ash away and beckoning you and Ranboo further into the building with an excited smile on his face. 

"Of course!" He said. "Of course of course of course - I'd be honored to work on such beautiful works as yours. I'll have them in top shape by the end of the day."

"Oh, there's no need to rush." You said. "I'm sure you have other requests from the village folk-"

"Nonsense." The man said, gesturing for you to lay your weapons down on the now-clear table. "You're champions, and champions need their weapons."

As you set the weapons down, you could see a gleam in the mans eye and it struck you just how much these people looked up to you. Being a member of the king's guard was prestigious enough, but being chosen for a task like this was such a boost in status that you became sort of a living legend. Maybe, if he was lucky, the bards would dedicate a line or two to this weaponsmith and how he had refurbished your mighty bows and blades. 

When Ranboo set Brigand's axe down, the mans eyes widened even more. His hands hoever over the axe in awe, like he was afraid to touch it. 

"A vindicators axe." He breathed, looking back to you and Ranboo. "Did you manage to take this from one of them?"

"Er, no." Ranboo said. "Brigand is a vindicator."

"A vindicator working for the king?" The man asked, raising his eyebrows. "How odd."

"He's not like most vindicators." You said. "He's actually very nice, once you get to know him."

"Oh, I'm sure." The man said, more concerned with examining the weapons on his table than the conversation. You could tell by his tone that he didn't actually agree with you - you hadn't expected him to really though. Villagers and vindicators didn't really mix well, as one group was notorious for raiding the other.

"How much will the repairs cost?" You asked, fishing out some emeralds from the pouch you had taken from the pillagers. 

The weaponsmith didn't even look up. "I couldn't charge you for this. It's an honor for me to even lay my hands on these wonderful tools."

You traded a look with Ranboo. "It wouldn't feel right to leave you without payment, sir, we couldn't-

The man wasn't even paying attention though, he was totally enraptured in the work already. His hands trailed over each of the weapons, carefully mapping out all of the flaws. It was obvious that you had already lost him to his work. 

Glancing at Ranboo, you just left the pouch of emeralds on one of the workbenches - he would find it at some point, hopefully. Turning towards the door, you tossed a wave over your shoulder, even though the man wasn't looking. "Thank you sir! We'll be back later to collect them!"

"Of course." The man called. 

Ranboo held the door open for you as you stepped back out onto the porch. Coming from the interior of the place, the warm savannah air felt cool against your skin. The door closed behind you, and Ranboo turned to you, soot in the white of his hair. 

You smiled and reached up to brush it away. 

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