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Today is the Band Competition,That's right.Today is the day! I was waiting for this,After all that practice we took for this day. But on the inside I'm really nervous..but let's not think about that for now!

I woke up to Zander hugging me still sleeping and it made me chuckle as I kissed his cheek,All though as much as we want to stay like this. Hailey wants us to get up and I can tell she wants us to be ready for the band competition.We had a project to do especially I have 4 assignments to do but Mrs.Jones told us that will do that other time or turn it in whenever we're done because we done so much for this and been working all lot.

Me and Zander got up and got dressed,We already have our outfits for the competition after school,Me and him (Zander) are holding hands like always while walking to school.Hailey took Rosey to school and Rosey is excited to see us on stage singing,Heh.

We go inside the school and see Luke with Levi talking about the competition,Milly talking with Sean with excitement.I took out my books for english class as I said goodbye to the others for class.

My teacher gives the students work and I took my time finishing it since I don't want to rush and there's only fourteen questions so it should be easy.While students are talking or on their phones not caring if they fail or not.I finished the work and turned it in.

I pulled out my notebook that had songs written in it and for this competition we have to do three songs.I showed Hailey the songs and she agreed to plan this.After class is over I went to gym and of course the boys are there.

This time my coach wanted us to put on our track uniforms and I took off my shirt and put on the shorts.

"So what time is it for the band competition?" Henry asked.

"It's at (whatever time you choose)" I said.

"Ah,So you'll be on the stage with the music freaks?"

"Drew stop calling them that.."I frowned.

"It's alright Jake,I'm used to it" Said Luke as I nod.I closed my locker and went to the restroom.

No ones POV:

Drew was about to leave with Liam and Henry until Luke stopped them as Drew looked at him with a confused look.

"Look Drew,I trust you and all but I just want to let you know that if your ever an asshole or talking behind our backs,We will have a problem.Jake is part of our family and I don't want you breaking that apart,especially Zander"

Luke gave them a cold stare and Drew,Liam and Henry's faces were sweating of awkwardness and fear as they nod with an awkward smile.

"Good! Now let's go" Luke smiled and went outside where Jake was.The coach told them to do 5 running laps with two people.Liam with Henry and Drew with Jake and Luke with Elliot.

(Time Skip to The Music club)

Jake walked to the music club and said hello to the group and Milly was so excited that she couldn't wait any longer for this competition.

Zander would snuggle with his boyfriend and kiss his cheek.

"Alright you dorks,That's cute and all but I need you two to focus on this" said Hailey.They do their rehearsals.

After that,They eat a snack from Milly's backpack that she bought for them.But then the door opens by a girl with a ponytail.

"Stacy?" said Luke.

"Umm,Is jake here?" she said with a blush.

"Yes,That's me?" Jake gave her a confused look.

"Ahaha silly me,Well I want to give this to you" she hands him a letter that had a sticker of a heart.Jake already knew what this is about because he had been followed by girls who have a crush on him before he dated Zander.

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now