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Jake's POV:

I was in the wrong body form
During my childhood I was born a girl but in my mind I believe that I'm a boy
And kids would make fun of me and my mom was the only one who supports me
But I can't say the samething about my dad.....

*beep beep beep*


woke up by my annoying alarm and shut it off as I get up,I brush my hair,teeth and put on my binder and put on my shirt,I wrapped my jacket around my hips and went downstairs.

I then see dad sitting on the couch watching tv and beer bottles on the floor.I rolled my eyes and not bothered to say good morning.I see my little sister waiting for me.

"Have fun at school jasmine" I froze...that name was he said was deadname....I didn't say anything and hold my sister's hand,We begin to walk and her school was kinda close to mine.

"Bye brother I love you!" She smiled

"I love you too little sis" I kissed her forhead and walk to my school.As I got there I went inside and went to my locker to grab my journal.Then I saw Diasy walking up to me.

"Hey jake!" She smiled

"Hey Diasy whats up?" I said with a fake smile

"So have you joined the music club yet?"

"Well...no...its not gonna be easy for me..what if they don't let me and find out my serect that I'm trans"

"Thats not true jake! They will let you and they will accept you for who you are"

"Thanks daisy" I smiled even though on the inside I felt hurt because of what happened at home....

"Okay! See you later jake!" She waved and left for her class,I went to class and seeing  zander and hailey talking,I didn't felt like going up to them especially when zander hates me still...

I sat down and start taking notes.

After class was over it was lunch time,I got my tray and begin to eat.I still haven't joined the music club but daisy wanted me too since she knew how much I love singing.

I walk to the music club and hearing them having a arugement.I then open the door and they turned around to see me....

"Um...I heard that you needed someone to sing so of thats okay?" I said...they stood silent but the other three were surprised.

No One's POV:

"Of course you ca-" but luke gets cut off

"No way! We are not letting this jerk sing in our competition!" Zander yelled which made him kinda sad but jake knows where he's coming from....

"Zander come on let him join I'm sure he can sing" said Luke,Milly and Sean were not gonna have this.

Then zander whispered something in her ear.

*sigh* "alright jake we can let you but your gonna have to show us what you got" Jake was happy and went up to the microphone.Zander and Sean start the msuic and jake took a deep breath and start singing.

(I'm to lazy to write lyrics....)

Jake stopped and hear milly clapping which made jake smiled however zander was looking at jake while singing but he's still not happy.

"Please please please! Can we keep him!" Milly begged,Hailey sighed

"Alright it looks like you proof your point" zander was shocked

"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!I'M NOT LETING HIM IN MY COMPETITION!" Zander yelled and left to go to the bathroom.

"Zander wait!" Luke went after him and Hailey walked up to jake.

"Alright jake your in,but if you talk behind our backs your out got that?" Hailey reminded him

"I won't let you down!" Jake smiled,Hailey sighed and left the room.

"Well Jake I'm impressed by your voice!" Said Sean

"Thank you!" Jake smiled,Milly went behind jake

"I'm Millicent but you can call me Milly! I'm the most badass in this group!" Jake smiled but then sean reminded him something.

"She may look young but try not to get on her bad side cause she'll kick your ass" Jake was confused until he saw that milly doing punches and kicks.

"I stand that correct" Jake chuckled

"And that person who went after zander,his name is luke,Luke and zander have been childhood friends since elementary" I nod and the bell rang.

"Alright looks like it's time to go home see you guys tomorrow oh and jake you need to come here at 12:30 during lunch got that?" Jake nodded and left to pick up his sister.

"Brother!" She smiled

"Hey little sis how was school?" Jake hugged her

"It was good!" She smiled and they walk home,jake hold his sisters hand to keep her away from strangers.Then he saw zander and luke walking home which he didn't want to bother zander after what happen....

They got home and jake saw his dad laying on the couch,empty beer bottles still on the floor,dirty clothes,everything was messy...jake sigh.

"Go to your room rosey I'll cook you some dinner in a bit" rosey nods and went to her room.

"Hey jasmine how was school?" Jake sighed

"My name is jake you know?" Jakes dad laughed thinking it was funny

"Nah your name is always gonna be jasmine your mom wouldn't understand" Jake ran upstairs and locked himself,he cried for a bit and start to do homework.

After he was done he took a shower and put on a new binder and wear an oversized shirt and put some shorts under it.

There was nothing in the fridge which of course his dad didn't bought groceries.

Jake decided to make pasta,he some chopped tomatos and since his sister loves baked potatoes he cut some potatoes and cooked them.He play some music and start to sing and dance a little.

After the food was done he put them into plates and grabbed forks.

"Dinner is ready!" Said jake,rosey grabbed her plate

"This is so good!" Jake smiled and his dad got his plate

"Thanks jasmine" he said and sat down on the couch,jake was tired of his dad calling him by his deadname.

After dinner his dad left for work,jake start to pick up dirty clothes,empty beer bottles.He threw all the beer bottles in the trash,washed the dishes,put the dirty clothes in the laundry.

After all that hard work jake put his sister to bed,kissed her forhead. Jake went up to his room and falls asleep.

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now