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Jake's POV:

*beep beep beep*

I got up from bed and brush my teeh and hair,good thing today is Friday because dad is not going to be home for today because he's going to work.

I still had time for school so I decided to make my sister breakfast.I put on some clothes and went downstairs to make her breakfast,I start to bake her toasts.

"Morning brother!" She smiled while holding her teddy bear,I smiled

"Morning little sis looks like your already dressed" she sat down waiting and I gave her plate.

"Thank you brother!" She smiled and we began to eat,After were done eating our breakfast we walked together to her school.

Zander's POV:

Me and Hailey walk together like usual then I saw Jake...I was about to say something until I saw someone next to him,It was a little girl holding his hand.
I was confused...

"Zander?" I snapped out of my thought and looked at Hailey


"Is there something on your mind?" I shook my head no and we went inside,I was still wondering why jake has a little girl with him...

Jake's POV:

I kissed her forehead and tell her my goodbye and walk to my school,Since today is Friday I'm going grocery shopping since we barely have food at home.

(Time skiped)

It was now lunch time and I have to go to music class at 12:30,I sat with drew,liam,Henry we were all chatting and saw the time and saw it was 12:37 which I got up quickly from my chair telling them that I need to use the bathroom which was a lie.

"Sorry I'm late!" I said....

"Oh jake! Its oka-"

Luke gets cut off

"He can't even take this seriously!" Zander rolled his eyes....

"Look I said I was sorry!what do you even want me to say?!" I yelled

"Please stop fighting.." said hailey

"I bet he wouldn't show up to the competition!" I was tired of this....zander may hate me that doesn't mean he has to be an asshole!

I looked away sadly....

"Zander don't you think to far on him?" I heard Sean whispered....

"I'll just leave....sorry.." I was about to exit until I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder...

"Jake...its fine..just..don't be late again.." zander sighed...

"Okay" I gave him a small smile

"Alright jake next time don't be late" said hailey,Jake nod and practicing.

After practice

The others left the music while Sean was sweeping the room,Jake walk to his sisters school to pick her up like always but he's going to the grocery store.

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now