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Diasy POV:

Me and Levi were talking about the concert but I haven't seen jake...me and levi were worried and no on is telling us...

I was going to my locker and see levi talking to zander and I approach him


"Oh hey daisy"

"Wheres jake? We haven't seen him..."

Zander stayed silent...he sigh

"Hes in the hospital..." me and levi were shocked

"What why?"

Zander explains the story and I was getting worried

"In a coma...."

"Yes...but the doctor said it lasted for a while..so he's fine..I'm sorry if I didn't tell you guys.." zanders rubs his neck

"Its okay zander" levi pat his shoulder...

"Can we see him?"

"Of course after school meet me at the exist" me and levi nod and went to class.

I hope your okay jake...

Before school was about to end I see Elliot at the garden.


"Oh h-hey d-daisy" he smiled

"So...is it okay if I could get flowers"

"S-sure! What kind?"

"Haha do you have any Diasy's?"

"Yes I do" he cuts the lines (idk what is call._.)


"Thank you! Also can I have the violets too and other kinds of flowers?" Elliot nod and cut more,I thank him and see zander and levi waiting.

"Where are the others?" I ask

"I told them to go visit jake while I wait for you guys" I nod and went to the hospital,I was feeling nervous to see him,Elliot wanted to come I guess he heard what happen.

Zander opens the door and we see jake talking and laughing.

"Jake!" I smiled and hugged him

"Brother!" Rosey hugs him

"Diasy,Levi!" Jake hugged us

"Hey little sis" jake sniled and kiss her forhead which made rosey giggle and spotted Elliot.

"Hey Milly your boyfriends here~" jake snickered which milly blushed

"J-J-Jake!!" She covered her face

"H-hey milly" Elliot waved

"Oh..hey" she smiled while me and jake smirked

"I got you these" zander gives him flowers and jake blush

"Thank you zander!" He smiled,the others smirked and so was I.

"I made this drawing of us!" Rosey smiled and everyone's heart melted.

"Are you feeling okay jake?"

"Yeah...I was just...in a coma" jake rubbed his back neck.

"I'm sorry about what happen..."

"Thank you daisy and levi" jake hugs levi.

"I'll get the pizza!" Milly runs and the others left to get food for jake while me and levi were still here.

"Guess what guys"


"I told everyone" me and levi were shock

"You did..?"

"Yes..they accepted me!" He cried tears and we hug him.

"Were proud of you!" Levi smiled

"I told you they accepted you!" I smiled,Zander smiled and The others came back with food.

We played broad games,eat,talk about other things.

Jakes POV:

Its nice to have people around me here,They accepted me for who I am. I was happy. We eat and play games and milly was good at this game.

Then 4 minutes later the nurse came.

"Alright jake I have good news and bad news"

Everyone's eyes were on her

"The good news is that your completely healthy but the bad news is that your body is still hurting and the only way to make it better is to take these pills in the morning and going to bed" I nod and it isn't bad I guess.

"Oh and also! Next time close your door~!" She smiled and everyone was confused.

Everyone went back to talking and kuke came up to me.

"Hey jake"

"Yes Luke?"

"This might be weird...but I was wondering if you could help me write a song?"

"Sure luke is it a love song"

"W-well haha I guess" he chuckles,I write the song,I wonder who he's singing it to?

It was now 11:00 PM and everyone said goodbyes and hugged me,I said my goodbyes. But as they leave zander locked the door and kissed me. I kissed back and he taste like grapes.

We continue to kiss and I hear knocking but zander didn't stop kissing.

"Jake? Why is the door locked?"

"Give them time! We won't interrupt youuu!"

I hear the same lady,The lady and I were close which is weird for me to be close with someone I don't know but she doesn't look like a bad person.

Me and zander stopped kissing and put his head on my shoulder. I chuckled and pat his head like a cat. He stood up and grab his jacket.

"I got to get going" he said as I kiss his cheek,he left the room..I screamed in my pillow blushing.

The doctors:

"What is going on in jakes room?"

"Don't worry about it zander was just comforting him" The lady smiled.

"Okay..." they said in confusion

To be continued...

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now