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No ones POV:

"Speaking of that,is zander and jake gonna come?"

"I don't know but they better be here!" Hailey sighed and went to class.Milly chuckle and talk with sean while luke hopes their okay.

At the hotel

Zander slowly opened his eyes and see jake sleeping peaceful,Zander blushed of how jake sleeps while holding his arm.

He got up,look at the time it was 7:00 AM which they still have time for school.He took a shower and put on the same clothes from yesterday.Then he heard jake waking up.

"Hmmm..agh...my head.." jake rubs his neck.

"Morning sleepy head"

"Zander...?what are you doing here?"

"Uhh? You don't remember?"

"No...?" He shook his head,zander fixed his tie while jake was rubbing his eyes.

"Wait...I'M SUPPOSED TO PICK ROSEY UP!" jake gets up but almost fell.

"Idiot" zander rolled his eyes.

"Hailey is taking care of her"

"What happen?"

"You had to much to drink and I had to take you here because I don't want you to walk home while your drunk"


"Go take a shower and get dress" jake nod and went to take a quick shower and put the same clothes from yesterday.


hen they were about to exist the hotel.

"Did you boys have fun!~" the lady at the desk top made them both stand there awkwardly...

"We have to go!" Zander grabs jakes arm to get to the care while the lady said "Come back again!"

'That was one weird lady..." zander thought and start the car.The drive was silent,Jake still wondering how he has hickeys.



"How did I get these hickeys?" Said jake as Zander cough awkwardly.

"Uhh...Don't worry about it" jake was confused but never ask another question.

"Were here" zander parks the car and they walk to school,Zander went to class while jake was getting his stuff.


"Oh hey levi!"

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah I am"

"Jesus man...you went wild yesterday" levi laugh

"Stoooppp...." jake whine like a baby then daisy came.

"Oh jake! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine daisy I just...wild?" Jake awkwardly laugh

"Well I'll see you in class I have to go to student council bye!" Daisy waved and levi went to his class.Jake went to class and sat down waiting for Mrs.Jones.
But it wasn't Mrs.Jones it was a different teacher.

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now