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No ones POV:

"Jake are we going somewhere today?" Asked rosey as she eats her pancakes that jake made.

"Well I'm going to zanders house to hangout"

"Can I come?"

"Well sure but as long you behave okay?" Rosey nods and finishes her breakfast,After they were done jake took a shower and pick out some clothes. But before he could he put on his binder then wear his clothes.

After jake was done he grab his phone,charger,Rosey was dressed into a white sleeve shirt and a pink skirt

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After jake was done he grab his phone,charger,Rosey was dressed into a white sleeve shirt and a pink skirt.
Jake couldn't leave her alone at the house and hoping zander wouldn't mind.

Jake and rosey got there and knock the door.

"Hello? Oh hey jake" it was Hailey and she looked at jake then rosey

"Whose that with you?" Ask Hailey

"This is my little sister rosey,rosey this is Hailey" rosey waved and hailey did the same thing.Hailey didn't know jake had a sibling.

"Come in the others are in the living room" jake nod and Hailey closes the door behind her.Jake went to the living room and saw milly,sean,luke.

"Hey jake!" They said happily but then saw a little girl behind him.

"Who is that jake?" rosey stayed behind her brother and the others look at me waiting for my answer.

"Oh! This is my little sister rosey,rosey this is milly,sean and luke" Luke waved and sean did the same thing but milly was excited.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god! She's so cute!" Milly jumped on the couch like a little kid.

"Uh..well she is but you guys have to be careful she's shy" milly was still happy but try to stay calm.

"Well that's nice to hear jake but your gonna have to put her in a another room just in case she gets uncomfortable here" said hailey

"I was thinking the same thing but thank you hailey" said jake as hailey nod.Hailey shows jake where to put rosey at which rosey was okay since hailey has toys. (Don't ask why hailey have toys).

"Hey jake" jake looked behind him and it was zander.

"Oh hey zander!" Jake smiled

"Looks like you do have a sister huh?" Zander smirked a little

"Um..haha..yeah" jake rub his neck a little,there was silent..

"So..what are we gonna do?" Ask jake

"You'll see" said zander and walked downstairs which leaves jake confused but didn't ask again.

"Alright guys! How about we play truth or dare?" Said milly as she sits down,everyone sits down on the carpet.

"Sean truth or dare?" Milly ask

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now