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Jakes POV:

"Okay class I want you to get a book and write your favorite line of the book and tell me what do you imagine"

We were in the library and this is for a grade,I look around to find a book and see milly getting one.

"Hey jake!"

"Oh hey milly"

"Look at this book!" I look at it and it says "The Devil girl and The Angel Boy" (its a book I made it up btw)

"You really love devils do you?"

"Yessss I am one after all" I roll my eyes playfully

"Whatever you say milly" she smirk and sit a table for her to write.

'Their aren't good books here are they?'

I thought to myself

I look around and spot a book called 'The boy who become a princess'

"Huh...interesting" I said,I sat down and start reading it.

Their was a boy who's a prince in his castle
But he never felt like a prince
He never felt like he was a boy
His father the king of the law
"You will be a prince,make your dad proud!"
The prince cry and cry
"I don't want to be a prince!"
He said
He ran away from home and met
A unknown princess
"Who are you?"
"My name Ozula"
The boy followed hee to a beautiful flower garden
He felt something sparkle around him and he was no longer a boy shes now a

That story was interesting...but this is so confusing...

The boy didn't want to be a prince? 


Is this about transgender?!

Why would they have this as a kids book? So...she's a trans girl?

I Don't know if there's ny favorite line but I'll try.

"Father all I ever wanted was your happiness but you won't give it to me..."

"If you want to be a princess go for it"
Her father bowed and her parents hugged her
"I love you no matter what"

The End


So she's a trans girl but she's still a girl.I write down my favorite line and finish the work.

Bell ring

"Okay class your dismiss" said Mrs.Jones

We give her our papers and left for next class. I put on my headphones to listen to music.

'I wonder if zander is gonna be busy'

Then I see luke talking to levi which I smirk and all of the sudden.

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now