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Zanders POV:

I was on the couch reading a book and thinking about jake like always...I got enough sleep and my grades were going good I guess.

"Hey zander"

"Hey milly"

"Are you ready?"

"Yes" I put my book down and got the car started,The drive was quiet which of course jake was an the hospital.We took rosey with us since she wants to go.

We got there and went to the desk top

"Were here to see Jake Henderson"

The lady asks for our names and I told the others were the room was.

We opened it and saw jake sleeping peacefully. We sat down quietly for jake to wake up while I was holding his hand.

"Have you told daisy and levi?"

"No..." I said to hailey...


2 minutes later I hear jake waking up


"Jake!" We hugged him


"Were glad your okay!"

"We miss you!"

"Its been so long!"

"Haha...thank you" jake chuckle


"Brother!" Rosey hugged him and jake was crying tears

"Hey little sis" he smiled and kissed her forehead.

"What happen while I was gone?"

Everyone looked at me and I think its time for me to tell him...

"Jake...about what happened at the hotel...your old bullies from elementary school posted it and showed it to drew"

Jake stayed quiet....he was shaking

"N-no....no...no no!!" He yelled and all of us shiverd.

"Jake its oka--"

"NO ITS NOT!!" tears were down....I hold his hand to calm him down

"Jake! Look...everything will go back to normal!" Jake looked at us

"Nothing will go back to normal!"

"Jake w--"

"You have no idea...my dad abuse me for being a boy..he deadnames me,misgender me,he hits rosey and mom...he always saids my birth name and it hurts me...I have fucking breast! And I look down and tell myself that this isn't the body I wanted! It feels like prison!"

Everyone was shocked...

"I'm Transgender..."

"Your Transgender?" Ask sean and others were shock

"Yes...I haven't told you guys because I was afraid you will never accept me...I never told drew,Herny,liam or any of my friends...but I guess they found out..."

"Jake..." hailey holds his hand

"No one should go through like this,your dad is not your family no more!"

"But who is?"

"We are jake! Were your new family" said luke while hugging him.

"He can't hurt you no more,you and rosey are safe" I said and kissed his hand

"AWwwww!!" Milly sqeaked

*sigh* "well...anyways,What are you going to tel--" the door opens and we see the lady from....last time....

"Sorry to bother you! But do you guys need anything to drink or eat?"

"Um can we have (what ever food you decide)"

"Of course!" She smiled and left. Me and jake looked at each other

"Um..whats wrong with both of you?" Said hailey

"Well...we almo--" I covered jakes mouth

"Nothing!" I yelled and everyone was confused.

We talked and eat our food,it was good to see jakes face...I wanna ask him to be my boyfriend but...


To be continued...

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now