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No ones POV:

Hailey was drawing with rosey while jake was cooking,Hailey was surprised he can cook.

Jake was making fried rice and zander was watching TV.

'Hmm...so jake is able to get pregnant' Zander thought.

"Foods ready!"

Jake puts the plates on the table and they start eating.

"Woah this taste amazing" said zander

"It really is" said hailey

"My brothers a great cook like mommy!"

"Yeah she taught me how to cook when I was young" jake smiled and began to eat.

They talk about random stuff when jake saw a HUGE spider on the ceiling. Jake takes off his shoe.

"Zander whatever you do...don't look up" zander was confused and so was Hailey.

Jake throws the shoes but miss the spider,the spider jumps on the table and zander screamed like a little girl.


"Zander get off me!" Said hailey,Rosey ran to her room giggling.

Zander jumps on the counter while hailey and jake try to find a weapon.

Jake finally hit the spider.

"Die die die!!" Said jake,Hailey laughed at zander.

"Its gone" said jake,zander got off the counter and was embarrassed.

*door bell*

"I'll get it"

Hailey gets the door and it was drew.

"What do you want?" Hailey said coldly

"Can I talk to jake alone please"


"Hailey its okay" Hailey nods at jake but was worried and let him go.

"What is it?" Jake closes the door,they were both outside

"So...what is it?"

"So you told me that you want surgery because your tired of your breast"


"Lets go"


"Come on lets go" jake got inside his car and the drive was silent.
Jake didn't think drew would take him to get surgery.

"Drew you don't have to"

"Its okay jake" they got there and jake went to sit down while drew went to the desk top.
Jake was nervous but he wanted to get rid of his breast.

Drew sit down and jake was quiet.

2 mins later the doctor came by

"Jake Henderson come with me" drew and jake went to the room.

"Okay jake so you wanted chest surgery to get rid of your breast?" The doctor said as jake nod

"Okay jake,drew you need to wait"

"Good luck jake" drew close the door behind him and sit in a chair.

As their doing the survey jake felt pain but it wasn't bad,Jake need to feel confident that his breast will be gone.

Drews phone rang


"Drewy bear I'm sorry to this but I want to cancel our date"

"What do you mean?"

"I have family stuff to do bye love you"

"Love you too" drew ends the call with confusion but didn't matter.

4 mins later

Jake came out of the room and smiled at drew.

"I did it" said jake and hugs drew.

"Thank you!" Drew smiled and hugged back,Drew paid it and drove jake home.

"Bye drew"

"Bye jake" drew drove off and jake entered inside.

"Where were you?" Said Hailey

"I was with drew and he took me somewhere to so I got chest surgery"

Hailey looked at jakes chest and was shocked.

"Y...you..did it.."

"Yeah..." jake was getting nervous

"Omg you did!" Hailey smiled and hugged jake,Rosey hugged jakes leg.

"Hey little sis" jake kissed her forehead,Zander saw jake and saw his chest.

"Jake did you get chest surgery?"

"Yes!" Jake cried in happy tears,Zander hugged him in happiness.

"I'm proud of you"


"Should we tell the others" rosey asked

"We should they would be proud for jake" Hailey smiled.

'I still haven't ask jake...to be my boyfriend...what should I do?"

Zander thought

To be continued...

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now