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"Yes Jasmine?"

"Can we talk...?"

"Sure" his mom went to his room and closed the door behind her,they sat down on his bed.

"What is it you want to talk about?"

"Um...mom...promise you won't be mad..."


"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" He yelled and his mom fliched.

"I'm sorry....I just..."

"Shh its okay" his mom holds his hand

"Mom....I'm a boy!"

There was silent...he close his eyes ready to be yelled or kicked out but he felt was a hug.

"Sweetie...Its okay"


"Your always my child,If you want to be a boy be a boy" she said with a soft voice.

Jake cried tears and hugged his mom.

"I thought you were gonna be mad at me..."

"Son...I never be mad at you for who you are" mom smiled

"Thank you..." he smiled



"Can I change my name?"

"Of course my son"

"How about Drew?"

"Haha mom!" He chuckled

"Okay how about....Kevin?"



"Mom hahaha!"


"Jake...I like that name!" He smiled and they both hugged

"Alright jasmine is now gone,Jake it is" she smiled.

*End of Flashback*

My mom was the one who gave me a new name...the day I came out to her. It was when I was 9 years old...I thought she will kick me out or hate me but she didn't...and when my mom told my little sister,she supported me by calling me brother. I was happy but...I wasn't happy when my dad didn't accept me...

I miss mom...if she was still alive I would be happier.I finish my homework and cook rosey dinner until I heard knocking.

'Thats weird...I didn't invite anybody right?' I thought.I open the door and it was dad he looked upset...

The Music Freaks| Jander | Trans Jake AU | {𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍}Where stories live. Discover now